Archive for December, 2009

A New Oswald Witness Goes Public

December 30, 2009

A New Oswald Witness Goes Public (Updated 2009)

By William Kelly
[Originally posted in 1999 at]

The literature of the JFK assassination is littered with interesting lines of inquiry, but few are as detailed as the circumstances presented by Adele Edisen, who first made her story public in the assassination research journal The Third Decade, published by New York State University Professor Jerry Rose. The article, titled “From April to November and Back Again,” was written by Edisen. To protect her identity, it was published under the byline of K.S. Turner in the November, 1991 edition (Vol.8, No.1) of the bimonthly journal, now called The Fourth Decade.

Edisen claimed that in April of 1963 she met a person who apparently had foreknowledge of the assassination of President Kennedy, Jose A. Rivera. He gave her a phone number through which she contacted and talked with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in May, 1963. She called the Secret Service to warn them of the assassination and was interviewed by the Secret Service and FBI after the assassination.

There are, however, few official documented reports on the matter, although some are forthcoming in response to the JFK Assassination Records Review Act. But Adele Edisen’s story can be independently confirmed in many respects without official documentation, and subsequent inquiries by Dick Russell, Larry Haapanen, John Gooch, and myself have confirmed much of what she has to say. At this point, the lack of documentation seems to make what she has to say even more significant. It is a story that provides numerous leads that should be pursued.

Edisen’s article in The Third Decade describes how she came to meet Jose Rivera at a medical conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey in April, 1963. She and Rivera were both medical professionals.

Edisen was in her third year of a post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (NINDB, as it was called then) at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana. Prior to this, she had had two years of post doctoral support from the NINDB at the Tulane University School of Medicine. In later years, she worked on the faculty of Rockefeller University in New York City , the University of Texas at San Antonio , and St. Mary’s Dominican College , and Delgado Community College in New Orleans . When she met him Rivera was manning a booth at the Atlantic City medical convention.

Upon learning that Edisen was with Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans , Rivera said he had been on the faculty of the biochemistry department at Loyola University , which is also in New Orleans , and that he was then living in Washington D.C.

At the time of their meeting Edisen described Rivera as “approximately 45 or 50 years of age, about 5 feet, 3 or 4 inches in height, and obese. His hair was dark brown, almost black, with some grey; he was balding at the forehead and crown. His eyes were brown, and he wore corrective glasses with very thick lenses which greatly magnified the size of his eyes. His complexion was quite dark. He spoke English with a distinct Hispanic accent.”

The Atlantic City Convention Authority records reflect that the National Institute of Health (NIH) sponsored a “High Blood Pressure Symposium” at the Atlantic City Convention Hall in April, 1963. Edisen testified before the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in Dallas, Texas on November 18, 1994 that the meetings in Atlantic City were organized by the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, an umbrella group of six major biological societies, including the American Physiological Society, for which Edisen gave a report on her research.

The strictly professional conversation between Edisen and Rivera became friendly, or as Edisen explained it, “I befriended him or he befriended me.” The NIH was their first common tie, with their mutual professional acquaintances in New Orleans providing additional associations. “It turned out he had taught at Loyola University in New Orleans, and we knew some people in common who were, for example, Dr. Fred Brazda who was chairman of biochemistry at LSU Medical School, and a few other people.”

“I was planning to go to Bethesda in Washington and visit with colleagues and friends at the NIH and also see the NIH,” Edisen later testified, “and so he had, in the course of our conversations and so on, invited me to his home to have dinner with him and his wife and daughter, and also to help me obtain hotel or motel space for my visit in Bethesda after these meetings, and to give me a sight-seeing tour, and so on.”

Edisen arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday, April 22, 1963. As Rivera had requested, she telephoned him at his office, and his secretary arranged for her accommodations at a Bethesda, Maryland motel. Rivera picked Edisen up in his car and explained that his wife, who was a nurse, had been called into duty at a hospital. So the two of them had dinner at a Washington restaurant, Blackie’s House of Beef. It was while standing in line waiting to be seated, Edisen recalled, when Dr. Rivera “began to talk of his travels in conjunction with his work. He spoke of Dallas, Texas.”

Edisen quoted Rivera as saying, “When you go to Dallas, you should go to the Carousel Club because it’s a very nice nightclub.” Edisen made a mental note of a merry-go-round, while Rivera asked her if she knew Lee Oswald. He told her that Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union, was married to a Russian, had a child, and they were planning on moving to New Orleans, where Edisen was then living. She distinctly made a mental impression of the name, “I vaguely wondered if he was related to a boy I had gone to high school with, whose name was Fred Oswald.” Rivera encouraged Edisen to meet the Oswalds, saying that “you should get to know them.” She assumed that Oswald was a fellow medical research scientist.

Edisen and Rivera then made plans to meet the next night, when she would get a sight-seeing tour and could have dinner with Rivera at his home with his wife and daughter. After spending the day with friends, Edisen was picked up by Rivera at her motel, where “a tall, sharp-faced man hailed Rivera, addressed him as ‘Colonel.’ They spoke for quite a long while about their times together at an Army base. His friend spoke of his current work in the army on telemetry and some work with cameras and telephoto lenses.”

Rivera later told Edisen that, “We’re photographing demonstrators with telephoto cameras from rooftops. We’ll identify individual demonstrators and put their names in computer files. We’ve started this on the West Coast.” Edisen wondered how that could be related to his work as a science administrator at NINDB until Rivera told her of his “other office, on the hill,” and ties with “Foggy Bottom,” which Edisen thought to be a residential section of the city.

According to Edisen: “After a lengthy drive to view the cherry trees, the National Library of Congress, Walter Reed Army Institute and Hospital, the Capitol Building, Georgetown and other sites, we started to approach the White House.” While they passed the White House a number of times, the first time they came toward the White House Rivera asked Edisen, “I wonder what Jackie will do when her husband dies?” After a pause and Edisen’s incredulous, “What?” Rivera said, “Oh, oh, I meant the baby. She might lose the baby.” Edisen didn’t know Jackie was pregnant.

That was “the first inkling I had that Rivera might be implying something sinister concerning President Kennedy.” Then, “every time we toured around the White House he asked me if I saw Caroline on her pony Macaroni, and all kinds of crazy nonsense, and I was beginning to think I was with an absolute madman…. Rivera’s part of the conversation at times was difficult to follow, but many of his statements, such as the reference to ‘Jackie,’ seemed deliberately placed. When he spoke of President Kennedy, Rivera was extremely critical of Kennedy’s position on civil rights. Rivera made many disparaging remarks about black people and the civil rights movement.”

Rivera also mentioned the NIH, Edisen remembers. “Several times during the course of this evening and the previous one, Rivera referred to the NIH being called ‘The Reservation’ because there were so many ‘chiefs’ and no ‘Indians.’ I wondered why he had to repeat this so many times.” Edisen, as a professional research scientist, suspected Rivera was using hypnotic suggestion techniques on her, and possibly even drugs. “He spoke of hypnosis. He had knowledge of hypnotic techniques and of the uses of LSD, a psychomimetic and hypnogogic drug which increases susceptibility to suggestions without causing amnesia.”

Since his wife, again, was called in to work at the hospital, Rivera and Edisen had dinner at the Twin Bridges at the Marriott Motor Hotel across the Potomac River. While driving to the Marriot Rivera questioned Edisen if she had met a number of people, apparently foreign scientists, during her stay. She had not, but then he asked if she knew John Apt. She did not, and he explained that Apt was a lawyer who defended communists.

“After we finished eating, he asked me to do a favor for him when I arrived home,” recalls Edisen. Rivera wanted Edisen to contact Winston DeMonsabert, a Loyola faculty member who was leaving New Orleans . Edisen wrote a note to herself: “Winston DeMonsabert call Dr. Rivera when leaving N.O.” Then Rivera said to also call Lee Harvey Oswald at 899-4244. “Write down this name: Lee Harvey Oswald. Tell him to kill the chief.” Rivera then contradicted himself, saying, “No, no, don’t write that down. You will remember it when you get to New Orleans. We’re just playing a little joke on him.”

Edisen said that she still assumed “the joke” would be on Oswald, whom she thought was a scientist and friend of Rivera’s. She thought “the chief” was a reference to some NIH research study group or committee head, such as Elizabeth Hartman, chief of the grants and awards committee of NINDB. Rivera had earlier joked about the NIH being “a reservation where there were too many chiefs and not enough Indians.”

Edisen remembers Rivera then being “agitated and excited. He began talking strangely about ‘it’ happening” and drew a diagram on a napkin, almost incoherent and very agitated. “It will be on the fifth floor, there’ll be some men up there,” he said. Edisen quoted Rivera as saying nonsensical things like, “Oswald was not what he seems. We’re going to send him to the library to read about great assassinations in history. After it’s over, he’ll call Abt to defend him. After it happens, the President’s best friend will commit suicide. He’ll jump out of a window because of his grief….It will happened after the Shriners’ Circus comes to New Orleans . After it’s over, the men will be out of the country. Remember, the first time it happens won’t be real.”

Edisen recalls, “He did not respond to any of my questions about what was to happen, and I became even more concerned and suspicious about his odd behavior and statements. As I entered his car, he asked me to destroy the note I had made and to forget what had just happened. It did not dawn on me that he could have been referring to an assassination of the President – the Chief.”

Rivera threatened Edisen about going to the FBI saying, “They’ll want that note. Don’t give it to them. I don’t want to have to hurt you. We’ll be watching you.” Edisen said, “I became very frightened. I didn’t understand what he was talking about, even though he had made references to the assassination of the President.”

About a week after Adele Edisen returned home to New Orleans from Washington D.C. (around May 1-3, 1963), she called the 899-4244 number Rivera had given her for Lee Harvey Oswald, whom she believed was a research-scientist colleague of Dr. Rivera’s, who had returned from Russia with a Russian wife and recently moved to New Orleans. A man who answered the phone said there was no one there by that name.

“A week later (approximately May 9-12, 1963) I dialed again, thinking I might have misdialed the first time,” recalls Edisen. The same man answered, and seemed surprised when she asked for Oswald, as he said, “They’ve just arrived.” Although Oswald wasn’t there, Edisen spoke with his wife briefly, and although she spoke with a Slavic-Russian accent, Marina seemed to understand the conversation, didn’t know Rivera, and said it was okay for Edisen to call back when her husband was there.

The third time she called, the phone was answered by the same man, whom Edisen believes was the landlord. Oswald came to the phone, but denied knowing Jose Rivera of Washington D.C. “That’s strange, because he apparently knows you and your wife,” Edisen told him. “I then asked Oswald for the location of the telephone, and he courteously gave me an address on Magazine Street, which I placed to be near the 5000block….I thanked him and apologized for bothering him. Still thinking that Oswald
was a scientist, I wondered why a scientist would be living in a rather run-down part of the city. Needless to say, I did not deliver Rivera’s message (‘to kill the chief’) to Oswald.”

What is really strange is that (Col.) Jose Rivera, in Washington D.C., knew Oswald’s New Orleans phone number on Tuesday, April 23, before Oswald himself knew where he was moving to in New Orleans. It was the following day, Wednesday, April 24, when Ruth Paine drove from Irving to the Oswald’s Neeley Street apartment in Dallas to find the Oswalds all packed and ready to move to New Orleans. They had quite suddenly (Marina later said it was because of the Walker shooting incident) decided to move to New Orleans, where Oswald was born. They asked Ruth Paine for a ride to the bus station and she was startled by the sudden decision.

Ruth Paine discussed the matter with them in the car on the way to the bus station, and convinced them that because they didn’t know where Oswald would work or where they would stay in New Orleans, Marina and their daughter should stay with her in Irving, Texas while Oswald went on alone to New Orleans to find a job and locate an apartment. Oswald arrived in New Orleans by bus and called his aunt Lillian Murret to announce that he had returned home, and to ask if he could stay with them at 757 French Street while he searched for employment. Mrs. Murret was surprised, but agreed to take Oswald as a guest until he obtained a job and apartment.

After filing for unemployment compensation extensions for his work in Dallas at Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval (which required cross-state approvals), Oswald applied for work at a number of locations, including the William B. Reily coffee company at 640 Magazine Street, where he listed three references — his uncle John Murret, Sgt. Robert Hidell, and Lt. J. Evans, the last two of which the Warren Report claimed are “apparently fictitious names.”

But they’re not fictitious. Oswald did know a Hidell in the Marines, who was living in New Orleans at the time, and there was indeed a “J. Evans,” because as the Report notes on the same page, “Also on May 9, Oswald obtained an apartment at 4905-07 Magazine Street with the help of Myrtle Evans, who had known him when he was a child.” And Myrtle had a husband named Julian. When he was young, Oswald’s mother had rented an apartment from Myrtle and Julian Evans. After the assassination Myrtle Evans characterized Oswald as a spoiled brat to the Warren Commission and Marina’s biographer Priscilla Johnson McMillan. Myrtle also helped Oswald find the Magazine Street apartment in the same “coincidental” way that Ruth Paine found Oswald a job at the Texas School Book Depository.

Recreating Oswald’s reintroduction into his old neighborhood, Priscilla Johnson McMillan wrote: “Lee went to their building and Julian Evans, who was seated at breakfast drinking his last cup of coffee, recognized him right away. He had known Lee both as a child and as a teenager, and there was something about him that neither he nor Myrtle liked. Julian finished his coffee, shook hands with the caller, and left for work. His wife Myrtle, a heavy-set woman in her fifties, who wore glasses, and had reddish hair in a bun, peered at Lee closely, ‘I know you, don’t I?'”

“‘Sure, I am Lee Oswald. I was just waiting to see when you were going to recognize me.'”

McMillan: “Myrtle and Julian thought Oswald was in Russia. Even though there was something she didn’t like about Oswald, Myrtle took Oswald to lunch and helped him find the apartment on Magazine Street .”

According to McMillan however, she drove Oswald around in her car looking for “FOR RENT” signs until they found one on Magazine Street.”

“Lee spotted one and they went in,” McMillan writes (Marina and Lee, p. 313). “There were two apartments for rent at 4907 Magazine Street , and the bigger one looked as if it might do. It was on the ground floor. It had a long living room, a screened-in front porch, a yard, and the kind of iron fence children can’t crawl through. The rent was $65 a month. Myrtle advised Lee that it was the best value for his money and he’d better take it.”

The landlady was Mrs. Jesse Garner, who lived with her husband in an apartment next door in the same building complex. Oswald told Mrs. Garner he worked for the Leon Israel Company at 300 Magazine Street when he actually had obtained a job that morning at the William Reily Coffee Company on the same street. It was Jesse Garner who most likely answered the telephone the three times that Adele Edisen called at the request of Jose Rivera.

The key question is: How did Jose Rivera in Washington D.C. know Lee Harvey Oswald’s New Orleans phone number at Jesse Garner’s 4905-7 Magazine Street apartment house on April 23, when Oswald himself didn’t know where he would be living until May 9? If true, it indicates that at least some of Oswald’s movements were being directed by someone in Washington D.C. On May 9 Oswald called Marina at Ruth Paine’s house in Irving , Texas with the news that he had obtained a job and apartment. Marina told Mrs. Paine and the children “Papa loves us,” and was very happy. Mrs. Paine, Marina and the children left Irving the next day in Mrs. Paine’s station wagon, staying overnight en route and arriving in New Orleans on May 11th. Mrs. Paine then stayed with the Oswalds at their new Magazine Street apartment for three days.

Ed Haslam, who wrote a book called, Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus, and Adele Edisen suspect that the corner 4905-07 Magazine Street apartment building complex was owned by Mr. and Mrs. William McLaney until 1974, when it was sold to Isabella Dawson, who (according to Mary Ferrell) had previously signed a rent receipt for Oswald, indicating she had something to do with the building before she bought it.

Shortly after she returned to New Orleans, Edisen called Winston DeMonsabert, the Loyola faculty member whose name Rivera had given her, but he denied knowing Dr. Rivera. [This is contrary to what DeMonsabert told John Gooch and Dick Russell when they interviewed DeMonsabert, who admitted to being in communication with Rivera up to the time of his death.] When Edisen checked with Anthony DiMaggio of Loyola’s biochemistry department, he said he knew Rivera but told Edisen that Rivera “had left the university under very peculiar circumstances” and warned her not to have anything to do with him.

Suspicious of what she knew then, Edisen called the New Orleans office of the U.S. Secret Service in July and spoke with Special Agent Rice. According to Edisen, “After giving my name, address and telephone number to him, I told him I had met a man in Washington in April who said some strange things about the President which I thought they should know. It was my intention to go there and tell them about Rivera and his statements, but I began to think they might not believe me, so I called back and cancelled. Agent Rice told me they would be there any time I would care to come in.”

A month later, in early August 1963, Edisen received an envelope in the mail with no return address and her name and address printed in a very crude scrawl. Enclosed, in a wadded up form, was the box like drawing made by Jose Rivera on April 23, 1963 at the Marriott Hotel restaurant in Washington D.C., when Rivera made mention of men on the “fifth floor.” Also in August, Edisen saw Oswald on television, handing out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. She recalled the announcer referring to him as “Leon” Oswald, noticed the similarity in names, and wondered if it was a coincidence.

In September 1963, sometime after Labor Day, Edisen was speaking with Dr. Gregory Ferris in the hallway at LSU, when Rivera got off an elevator. “Of course I watched him,” Edisen recalls, “and he didn’t see me at first. He had very thick eyeglasses. He may not have seen at long distance. But when he was about eight or ten feet away, he noticed me and halted and he almost stumbled stepping backwards.

He looked as if he had seen a ghost, and then he walked on. He recovered by saying he had to go see Fred Brazda, his friend in biochemistry.” That was the last time Adele Edisen saw Dr. Jose Rivera. For Edisen it all came to a head on the day of the assassination.” [On] November 22, my fears became reality. I spent much of the day listening to the news from Dallas and sorting out my memories of April, 1963. I felt I was involved, however innocently, and I thought it important the Secret Service and FBI be told of Rivera. Rivera was, to me, no longer a delusional psychotic, but an assassination conspirator. It also occurred to me that Oswald might be innocent despite the emphasis on his guilt by the news media, and that he might have been somehow manipulated by Rivera and his ‘we’ who were ‘playing a little joke’ on Oswald.”

Two days later, on Sunday, November 24, Edisen, for the third time, called U.S. Secret Service office in New Orleans and spoke with Special Agent Rice. She was asked to go to the Federal Building at 600 South Street, where SA Rice met her in the lobby. She was told not to sign the entry-exit register with the security guard. They went to an office on the fifth floor, where they were informed that Oswald had been shot in Dallas. Edisen, at first, believed she met with Special Agent J. Calvin Rice, who has been identified as an agent of the FBI. Rather, she met with John W. Rice, the Special Agent in Charge of the New Orleans office of the Secret Service. She described Rice as being thin and short, not much taller than she was, while J. Calvin Rice has been described as over six feet tall and husky. In addition, it would have been the Secret Service, not the FBI, who was responsible for the safety of the President and investigation of threats against his life.

In the office, Rice introduced Edisen to “a tall, heavy-set bald man with wire-rimmed eyeglasses, a Special Agent of the FBI,” who she recalls was named Orrin Bartlett.

Orrin Bartlett has been identified as the FBI liaison with the Secret Service. Rice said they were working closely on the case. There was no one else in the office. Edisen believes the three-to-four hour long interview was tape-recorded. “Mr. Rice was seated at his desk, and I was seated to his right, and the FBI agent remained standing most of the time. I believe he may have taped it because every time Mr. Rice got up from his desk, there was a partition over there, for example, and there was a phone there which they used even though there was a phone on the desk, which I didn’t understand, but apparently there was some reason for that. So every time Mr. Rice got up to answer the phone or to use the phone, I noticed his hand would do this, and I would either hear a whirring, a mechanical sound like a tape recorder or something. It may have been audiotaped.”

Edisen told them the story of how she met Jose Rivera in Atlantic City in April and visited with him for two days in Washington D.C., and showed them the airline ticket, hotel receipts, and the notes she kept. “At this point,” Edisen recalls, “the agents’ questioning became more intense. I was asked to further identify Rivera, his position at the NIH, and his physical description. I also gave them Rivera’s office telephone number and his home phone number (301-654-7348) in Chevy Chase, Maryland . The FBI agent quickly went behind the partition and called someone, giving this information. I thought Rivera was to be apprehended.”

“When the FBI agent returned from behind the partition, he asked if they could have the note, and I agreed,” Edisen later wrote. As the interview came to an end, Agent Rice asked the FBI agent if he “had the film,” and if he was ready to leave for Dallas, as “the plane was ready.” “Before he showed me the door,” wrote Edisen, “Agent Rice asked me to call them if I remembered anything else, and requested that I not tell anyone I had been there to speak with them. I understood this to be for my own protection as well as for their investigation. Both agents thanked me for speaking with them.”

After she recalled a few more details, Edisen called Agent Rice a few days later, and repeated her fears of Rivera and his threats, but Rice counseled her, “Don’t worry. That man can’t hurt you.” Edisen thought Rivera was in custody, and she expected to be called as a witness before the Warren Commission. “When the Warren Report was published, I was mystified and dismayed by the conclusion that Oswald acted alone, and that Jack Ruby acted alone, for my experiences told me otherwise.”

Rivera’s voice would come back to haunt her many times over the years, beginning shortly after the assassination, when she learned of the death of Edward Grant Stockdale, a former Ambassador to Ireland. When she heard Stockdale had jumped out of a window in Miami a few weeks after the assassination, she thought of what Rivera said: “After it happens the President’s best friend will jump out a window because of his grief.”

After maintaining her silence about the whole affair for many years, Edisen consulted an attorney to see if there was any record of her pre-assassination phone calls to the Secret Service or her post assassination interview. After perusing the 26 volumes of Warren Commission testimony and exhibits and finding nothing about Dr. Jose Rivera or reports from FBI Agent J. Calvin Rice or SAIC John Rice, New Orleans attorney Jack Peebles wrote to Senator Frank Church, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. When his reply came with very little interest expressed, Jack advised Edisen to write Freedom of Information letters to FBI and CIA. A little later, the Secret Service, as he was not at first sure the SS came under the FOIA Act. Jack Peebles also sent letters to Sen. Inouye, the succeeding Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and to his staff member in support of her documents and requested protection of her identity. When Sen. Daniel Inouye and his staff seemed interested, she sent a copy of all documentation she had as well as a narrative of her experiences, but later received the response from the staff member that the matter was “outside the purview of the Special Committee’s work.”

A few years later, a copy of a three-page summary of her experiences was also personally given to a Special Agent of the FBI in San Antonio, Texas, in 1985, which he sent to Headquarters. Later she again made an FOIA request to the FBI for anything they had in their files, and the FBI again replied that it had nothing. More recently, Adele Edisen asked, in writing and at a public hearing, that the Assassination Records Review Board examine any records pertaining to Dr. (Col.) Jose Rivera “and what his role was in all of this. I know something about him, that he spent some time in Japan, for example, he told me that, and it may have been there at that time Oswald was there. He knew Oswald somehow.”

As she concluded her Third Decade article, Edisen wrote, “History should record that some investigative work was conducted relevant to the information I had furnished to the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. However, there is no official record that this conversation ever took place. Why? If the information was not considered to be relevant and pertinent, there should be some record of the fact that the interview took place. If the information was considered to be relevant and pertinent, there certainly should have been a record of it.”

“Whatever forces were operating to assassinate President Kennedy may never be revealed, but this should not deter anyone from seeking the truth. If our system of government, its laws, and our civil rights are to survive, we need to know the truth, no matter how convoluted and strange it may be. We deserve to know this long before the next century.”

In 1989, Maryland newspapers published the obituary of “Dr. Jose Albert Rivera, pathologist, analyst, 78,” which read: Dr. Jose Albert Rivera, 78, a retired Army pathologist and research analyst at NIH, died of pancreatic cancer, Wednesday, Aug. 16, at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. He lived in Kensington, Maryland [at 3913 Dunnel Lane ]. Dr. Rivera retired in 1973 from a second career as a medical research analyst at the Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, one of the NIH, where he worked after retiring from the Army in 1965.

Born in Lima, Peru, Dr. Rivera studied medicine at the University of San Marcos. He moved to the United States to study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, earning his undergraduate degree there. He earned his doctoral degree from Georgetown University in 1939 and interned at Providence Hospital.

In 1942, he volunteered for the Army and was commissioned a first lieutenant in the medical corps. He was stationed at Walter Reed Army Hospital and later assigned to Halloran General Army Hospital in New York .

In 1944, while acting as chief of pathology at Halloran, he was promoted to captain and went on a series of assignments in Italy and France and at the 198th General Army Hospital in Berlin.

During the Korean War he served in the 1273rd Medical Field Unit of the 406th Medical General Laboratory and received a battlefield promotion to major. After the war, he was chief of laboratory service and pathology at the U.S. Army Hospital in Tokyo .

In 1958, he was assigned to the Reserve Training Center in Washington D.C., where he remained until his retirement in 1965. Dr. Rivera was active in many civic organizations and charities. His favorites were the Epilepsy Foundation of America, the Reserve Officers Association of the United States and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Dr. Rivera is survived by two daughters, Linda Rivera-King of Abington, Pennsylvania, and Natalie Rivera Frederick of San Ramon, California, and three grandchildren. His wife, Anne J. Rivera, to whom he was married for 52 years, died in 1988. Services were held at Fort Myer Chapel, with burial at Arlington National Cemetery.”


[A] Larry Haapanen notes that a review of medical literature indicates Dr. Rivera wrote a number of books that were published, including one entitled Cilia, Ciliated Epithelium and Ciliary Activity, published by Pergamon Press in 1962, which mentions Col. Rivera’s affiliation with the Naval Biological Laboratory of the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley. Haapanen writes: “So there was, indeed, a Lt. Col. Jose A. Rivera at the same phone number (654-7348) in Chevy Chase given in the article (Third Decade). Since Lt. Col. Rivera is not in the Regular Army’s Active Duty list for 1961, I assume that he was a reservist. This is borne out by the listing of a Colonel Jose A. Rivera in the Army of the United States (i.e. Army Reserve) Retired List for 1969. His serial number was 0-0513618, and his date of retirement was given as March 1965 (see U.S. ARMY REGISTER, 1 January, 1969, Vol. III: Retired Lists, p. 304).

[B] Special thanks to Vincent Palamara, and Walt Brown and Global JFK Index: Bartlett, Orrin (FBI S/A – liaison with Secret Service), is mentioned in Carlos Bringuier’s book Red Friday, p. 85; Livingston’s High Treason II, p.101; Weisberg’s Whitewash II, pp. 200, 351, 599 and Post Mortem, p. 603; as well as WC Vol. III, p. 67-460; Vol. VI, p. 435 (concerning bullet fragments). Rice, John W., Secret Service, Special Agent In Charge (SAIC) of the New Orleans SS office in 1963- 1964, is referred to for his post-assassination interview with Jack Martin. SAIC John Rice is also indexed in John Davis, Mafia Kingfish, p. 200; Flammonde, Kennedy Conspiracy, pp. 125-6, 128; American Grotesque, p. 134; Newman, Oswald and CIA, p. 327.

[C] New Orleans researcher John Gooch III reported (in May, 1992) that he spoke with Loyola biochemistry professor Anthony DiMaggio III, who confirmed that Dr. Jose Rivera worked at Loyola as a biochemistry professor for a year and a half, until June, 1960. Gooch also spoke with Winston DeMonsabert, who maintained his contact with Dr. Rivera until 1989. In addition, Gooch has identified Dr. Cyril Bowers, whom he believes is the “C. Bowers” who signed the three Office of Naval Intelligence teletype orders of Sept. 1963 – Dec. 1964, that were found among the effects of Roscoe White. Who’s Who – Directory of Medical Specialists (17th Edition, 1975-76). Internal Medicine Section: Dr. Cyril Yarling Bowers, Born in Dayton , Ohio in 1924; M.D. from Univ. of Oregon (Portland), intern at King County Hospital, Seattle, medical resident at Cornell Univ., N.Y.C.; Lt. in Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy Reserve from 1950-52; graduate study at Univ. of Penn (Philadelphia) 52-53; clinical trainee or NIH, Metabolic and Arthritic Division; fellowship for American Cancer Research at Tulane Univ.; assistant visiting physician (Charity Hospital, N.O.) and staff physician for the Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation; assistant professor of medicine at Tulane Medical School; 1959-60 asst. prof. of medicine at LSU (N.O.); associate professor for the Dept. of Medicine and director of Endocrine Unit at Tulane Medical School. In 1960 Dr. Bowers lived at 1705 Jefferson Ave , New Orleans and maintained an office at 3513 Prytania St. Since 1964 he has lived at 484 Audubon Street, New Orleans.

[D] The Assassination Records Review Board Final Report (Chapter 6, Part 1, p. 109) reports: “8. Adele Edisen, Winston de Monsabert, Jose Rivera Dr. Adele Edisen has written several letters to the Review Board and has also provided public testimony to the Review Board. In her letters and testimony, Dr. Edisen stated that, in New Orleans on November 24, 1963, she recounted to an FBI agent and a Secret Service agent her knowledge of apparent dealings between Dr. Jose Rivera, Mr. Winston de Monsabert, and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. The Review Board requested FBI records on these individuals from FBI Headquarters and field offices in Baltimore, Dallas , Denver , New Orleans and Washington D.C. The FBI retrieved only a few records relating to the individuals referenced above, all of which the Review Board designated as assassination records.”

[E] On May 12, 1999 Special Access and FOIA Staff Archivist at the NARA, Martha Wagner Murphy, contacted Adele Edisen and informed her that the FBI had located the narrative she gave to the SA of the FBI in San Antonio, Texas, but that was all they could locate among their files other than two FBI documents relating to “Elvira Uskali Edisen.” Because the ARRB asked for documents that referred to Adele Edisen rather than Elvira Uskali Edisen, they were not included among the requested documents. According to Ms. Murphy, “Although I hesitate to interpret the records for you, it appears from the documentation that although the ARRB had requested to view files relating to these three names (Jose Rivera, Winston de Monsabert and Adele E.U. Edisen), and two documents had been located by the FBI relating to Elvira Uskali Edisen, the ARRB never officially designated either of these documents as assassination related. It appears the ARRB Report is therefore inaccurate…. Since the ARRB never officially designated either of the documents as assassination related, the NARA will not be receiving copies of these documents as part of the Kennedy Assassination Records Collection. However, you may request the copies from the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act. If you choose to do so, you will need to request the specific files listed in the 2/18/98 memorandum: 100-3-76-276, p13 and 100- 361391-29, p51.”

[F] While it appears the FBI is stonewalling, not admitting the two documents into the JFK Assassination Records Collection because of a technicality, the files of the Assassination Records Review Board lists relevant files among those of ARRB staff member Douglas P. Horne, specifically Box #18, which is labeled: “Adele Edisen – Investigation Reports on Jose A. Rivera.” When Adele Edisen requested copies of these documents, she was informed that there were a total of over 700 pages of documents that would cost hundreds of dollars to copy. She is currently waiting for these papers to be sent to her. While I was going to wait for these new documents to be released before I updated this report, I have decided to release this analysis now, since the total number of additional documents indicates that there may be a lot of new information, this is what we now know, before the new documents are evaluated.

[G] Adele Notes Jack Peebles also wrote to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) to Chairman Louis Stokes and to Subcommittee (on JFK) Chairman Richardson Preyer. Neither one replied, and I think they never received his letters, but I think the Committee did receive them. Gaeton Fonzi seemed to know about it.

[H] The three-page summary and the FBI agent’s cover letter and a copy of my Curriculum Vitae which had been sent to the FBI Headquarters in 1985 were found by Mr. Douglas Horne of the Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB) in the files of the HSCA which had closed its files and work in 1979, six years prior to those documents being sent to the FBI. Were they being hidden there?

[I] While Doug Horne requested Col. Rivera’s military file, and got over 800 pages, it’s quite clear this file is not complete. Edisen testified before the ARRB and relateted her story, but none of this is mentioned in Doug Horne’s five volume book Inside the Assassinations Records Review Board.

Jose A.Rivera was a naturalized citizen, born in either Lima, Peru, or San Juan, Puerto Rico (both birth places given in U.S. government documents, as are several different birth dates, ranging from February 6, 1905-1911. He died in 1989.). He was in the US . Army, 1943-1957 and US. Army Reserves, until 1965, Military Service Number: 05 13 618; served in the European Theater of War, 1943-1946; was stationed at Fort Detrick , Maryland , US. Army Chemical Corps, had SECRET Clearance, worked under Dr. Carl Lamanna, bacteriologist, 1947-1948; Stationed in Japan and Korea, 1950-1954; Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, 1954-1957; Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1959-1961; Naval Biological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, had TOP SECRET classification work under Dr. Carl Lamanna again, 1959-1961. National Institute of Neurological Disease and Blindness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda , Maryland , Science Administrator, 1961-1973(?) uncertain of exact retirement date here.

Adele Edisen first met him in April of 1963 while attending scientific meetings in Atlantic City, New Jersey (Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology – FASEB). She was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness – NIH at that time. Rivera was an administrator in the same Institute as a member of the Section on Training Grants and Awards. He had previously informed Dr. Sidney Harris, Chairman of the Department of Physiology, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, that Adele Edisen had been awarded the fellowship to work in the department.

*Birth dates: February 6, 1905-1912 (range).
*US. Army: 1943-1957; Army Reserve unti1 1965. Military Service Number: 05 13 618.
*European Theater of War: 1943-1946.
*Stationed at Fort Detrick, Maryland , U.S. Army Chemical Corps, had SECRET Clearance, worked under Dr. Carl Lamanna, bacteriologist: 1947-1948.
*Stationed in Japan and Korea : 1950-1954.
* Brooke Army Medical Center , Fort Sam Houston , San Antonio , Texas : 1954-1957.
* Loyola University , New Orleans , Louisiana : 1959-1961.
* Naval Biological Laboratory, University of California , Berkeley , California ,
had TOP SECRET classification working under Dr. Carl Lamanna again: 1959-1961.
* National Institute of Neurological Disease and Blindness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda , Maryland , Science Administrator: 1961-1973 (?) uncertain of exact retirement date here.
* Social Security Number 214-28-5673.

He was a naturalized citizen. Claimed two birth places – Lima, Peru , and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Graduated Lima High School in 1925. Graduated St. John’s University Brooklyn, New York with B.S. degree in 1934.

[K] Note added by Adele Edisen: Jose Rivera is listed as having been present at the autopsy of the body of President Kennedy on Friday evening, November 22, 1963, at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The NPRC list was compiled by Michael Ravnitzky. Mr. Ravnitzky said it was copied directly from the National Personnel Records Center Military listing. The NPRC is a U.S. government facility. Also listed was a Vault File Number for Rivera.


In the summer of 1962 it became apparent that my husband was ill. Although he continued to attend to his practice of psychiatry, he had physical symptoms of what later was diagnosed as cholecystitis – inflammation of the gall bladder. I decided to try to get back into professional work as a neurophysiologist. After searching for a suitable position, I was able to apply to the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness (NINDB) for a third-year level Postdoctoral Fellowship (I had had a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the NINDB in 1954 through 1956 at the Tulane University School of Medicine). This work was to be done in the Department of Physiology at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine.

In late November or early December, Dr. Sidney Harris, Chairman of the Department, told me that he had received a telephone call from a Dr. Jose Rivera of the NINDB informing him that I had been awarded a Fellowship, beginning January 1, 1963 for one year. It included a stipend (salary) and a small equipment grant to be used for my research on synaptic inhibition and excitation in the cat spinal cord.

I had worked in the Department of Physiology on a volunteer basis during the summer and fall of 1962, so I had accumulated quite a bit of data to present at the April meetings of the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This is a large umbrella organization of six major scientific societies, one of which is the American Physiological Society.

Just before I was to leave for these meetings, I contracted a bad upper respiratory infection, but I was determined to be there for my presentation. My physician prescribed an antibiotic, oxacillin, a semi-synthetic penicillin, to take for about ten days. I actually had a fever on my way to Atlantic City, but began to feel better, although weak, after a few days. I did present my work on Wednesday, April 17, and it was well received. I met a few former classmates from graduate school and felt very optimistic about continuing with my research.

After my presentation and lunch, I wandered through the scientific equipment exhibits at Convention Hall on the Broadwalk. In addition to such exhibits, there were booths of various scientific foundations and other information centers. I had read of a new award to be offered by the National Institutes of Health -the Research Career Development Award (for five years) which seemed to be perfect for me. So when I saw a National Institutes of Health booth, I stopped to ask about it. I was referred to the NINDB booth on the mezzanine floor above.

Jose Rivera was seated there, speaking with someone. When I sat down at the table and introduced myself, Rivera remembered my name and greeted me in a friendly fashion, offering me a Lifesaver peppermint candy from an already opened package. I asked about the Research Career Development Award and about any other support for which 1 might be able to apply after my Postdoctoral Fellowship ended. He did not have any brochures with him, but promised he would locate some by the next day, and asked me to return then.

This I did. He had no brochures or information for me, but promised to mail them to me in New Orleans . He again gave me a Lifesaver candy from an open pack. He suggested we walk downstairs to obtain free Coca-cola drinks. He said he would help me continue with my work. He spoke about his times in New Orleans and it turned out we had some mutual friends and acquaintances there. I had told him that I planned to visit the NIH in Bethesda after the meetings, and he then invited me to his home for dinner and to meet his family, which I thought was most gracious. When we returned to his booth, he suggested that I have my electrocardiogram be taken at the adjacent booth (NIH Heart Institute booth). He did an odd thing: he grabbed the recording from the technician and asked him if it was a normal EKG as he read it. The technician told me to take it to my personal physician when I returned home from the meetings. Another strange thing that Rivera did was to tell me to “call him, day or night, if I noticed anything unusual, anything at all.” I asked, “What?” and he said, “I mean about the Fellowship. If you have any questions about the Fellowship”.

I believe the Lifesaver candies were the vehicle for LSD-25 ingestion. I never saw him take any of the candies, and one time, when I put the candy I had removed from the package into my purse, he insisted that I eat it. At that time, I remember feeling somewhat euphoric and “floaty” after eating the candy. Also, my eyes became sensitive to bright lights. I felt uncoordinated in my movements. I blamed these odd feelings and perceptions to the respiratory infection and to the oxacillin antibiotic – because I knew I was allergic to penicillin and wasn’t sure that the oxacillin would not also produce some kind of allergic reaction which might be causing these unusual symptoms. Even later when I experienced trailing lights and colors, micropsia (the houses in the Georgetown part of Washington looked so small to me that I thought only dwarfs lived in them), giddiness, insomnia, synesthesia, (sudden loud sounds would produce flashes of light) deja vu, and sensations that did not seem normal to me, I attributed them all to the respiratory infection, oxacillin, lack of proper sleep, and so on. It did not occur to me, except at the very end of this trip, that Rivera might be drugging me with something. I now also understand that LSD-25 can make people more suggestible and, hence, more prone to be hypnotized.

I spent the weekend with friends in Philadelphia and arrived in Bethesda, the National Institutes of Health, and the NINDB Building 10 on Monday, April 22, 1963. I called the various people I had hoped to visit there, but it was lunchtime and no one was in. I called Rivera to see if he had any information for me. He asked his secretary to locate a motel where I could stay, and that evening I was to have dinner at his home. Instead, he explained that his wife, a nurse, had been called to duty at her hospital, so we went to a restaurant in Washington (after the Lifesaver candy), and as we waited to be seated, he began speaking of his travels and of Dallas . He recommended the Carousel Club as a “nice nightclub” that 1 should visit when I’m in Dallas. Then he asked if I knew Lee Oswald. I had never heard of him. He explained that Oswald had lived in Russia , had a Russian wife and a child, and they were moving to New Orleans . He said they were a “lovely couple” and I should get to know them. I thought Oswald was a scientist friend of his.

As we were about to leave the restaurant, Rivera spoke of a then recent shooting at General Walker in Dallas . Rivera said, “They think Oswald did it.” (Note that accusations of Oswald shooting at General Walker were not made publicly until some time after the assassination of President John Kennedy on November 22.)

As we drove back to the motel where I was staying, he asked me to call him at 4:30 and said his secretary would find another motel for me since the one I was staying in was filled for the next night. Also, he said he had heard the weather report and it would be a stormy night. He said I would be kept awake by the thunder and lightning and by the partying guests at the motel. Sure enough, I heard the rain and thunder and the noisy parties. I did not sleep at all; my mouth and throat felt very dry. In the morning I was surprised to see that there was no evidence outside of a downpour of rain as I thought we had had. Tall grass outside was not beaten down and dirt pathways were perfectly dry. There had not been a storm at all. I also experienced deja-vu, that I had checked out of the motel before, that I had entered a cab before to go to the NINDB’s Building 10 to visit friends and colleagues. Time would also pass quickly and then slowly. Everything seemed very strange.

I was speaking to Wilford Rall, a colleague, in his office about mutual interests in synaptic functions in the afternoon when I suddenly stopped, and called Rivera. When I looked at my watch, it was a minute or so after 4:30! This puzzled me.

Rivera came to drive me to my hotel in Washington, and he was to give me a sightseeing trip before going to dinner at his home. I dreaded the evening because I felt unwell, exhausted. This is when he insisted that I eat the peppermint Lifesaver when I didn’t want to do so. On the way, he read a list of names of visitors to the NIH and asked if I had met any of them. I had not. Then he asked me if I knew of John Abt of New York City. I did not, and he explained that Abt was a lawyer who defended communists. I thought these were strange questions to be asking someone like me.

It was now early evening. After we left the Library of Congress and were driving toward the White House, he said, “I wonder what Jackie will do when her husband dies.” I could not believe he said that. “What?” I asked. He said, “Oh, Oh, I meant when (or if) the baby dies. She might lose the baby.” I was not even aware that Mrs. Kennedy was pregnant at the time.

As we approached the White House, Rivera spoke of “tourists coming to Washington and sometimes seeing young Caroline Kennedy on the lawn of the White House with her pony Macaroni.” All in all, we circled the White House three times, with side trips squeezed in between, and he spoke of the tourists and Caroline and Macaroni each time, asking me if I saw Caroline and her pony, Macaroni. I did not, but the third time around, I decided to indicate I did, just to see what this was about. I said, “Ummm.” He stepped hard on the accelerator and said, “Fine. Now we’ll go to dinner!”

We took off at a fast speed and went to the Mariott Motor Hotel across the Potomac River. His wife had again been called to work. As we were finishing dinner, he asked me to do a favor for him when I arrived back in New Orleans. I took out my little memo book and pencil to make notes. He asked me to call Winston de Monsabert with whom he had taught at Loyola and tell him to call Rivera when he was leaving New Orleans. I wrote: “Winston de Monsabert. Call Dr. Rivera when leaving N.O.” ( New Orleans).

After a bit more conversation, Rivera began talking about Dallas again. Then he said, “Pretend you’re in a phone booth (in Dallas ?), and you’re very nervous and upset; your handwriting is very shaky. Write down this phone number. He dictated “899-4244”. I wrote down the phone number and when I looked at it, it was a crude scrawl, not at all my normal handwriting. In fact the writing just above it with the name of Winston de Monsabert was in my normal handwriting. I was now pretty scared. Was he hypnotizing me, I wondered.

Then he said, “Write down this name: Lee Harvey Oswald. Tell him to kill the chief” I wrote the name and under it, wrote in quotation marks: “kill the chief” When he saw me writing down the message, he said, “No. No. Don’t write that down. You’ll remember it when you get to New Orleans. We’re playing a little joke on him.” I assume he meant Oswald.

The “chief’ part did not mean much to me, other than that it had some reference to the National Institutes of Health where every study or research section had a director whose title was ‘Chief’. Rivera had made a riddle of it, asking why was the NIH called the ‘Reservation’. “Because there were so many Chiefs and no Indians there”. He told this joke several times to me and to other people we met. Still thinking that Oswald was a scientist friend of his, I thought the expression had something to do with the National Institutes of Health in some way. I had never heard of Oswald before Rivera had begun speaking about him.

However, I became very suspicious about his odd behavior and his talk of something happening. I took my notepad and put it back into my purse, surreptitiously tearing off the top sheet of the notepad and putting it in a separate place in my purse. Rivera was now quite agitated and speaking about ”when it happens”. It was almost as if he were having some strange seizure, with his face becoming puffy. “I’ll show you where it will happen,” he said. I asked what he was talking about, but he gave no answer. He asked for the notepad, which I gave him and he drew a square on it with an X next to it. “This is the room, with windows over here. And this (the “X”) is where it will happen. It will be on the fifth floor. There’ll be some men up there.”

I wanted to get away from him because I was becoming more frightened. On the way out of the dining area, he suddenly pushed me into an open elevator, saying “Want to see the Persian? Room?” When we were on the fifth floor, he pointed down the hallway and asked, “What do you see down there? A bar?” I saw no such thing, just room doors. Then he wanted to show me the Pentagon from a large window. I would not get close to him for I feared he might push me through the window. When the elevator that I had called came, I ran for it and tried to close the doors before he could get in. I had no choice but to accompany him to his car while I kept up a barrage of conversation because there were no cabs in front of the motor hotel.

He started talking about the note I had written, asking me to destroy it, and that they were only playing a joke on someone. He threatened me with, “I really don’t want to have to hurt you.” He proceeded to the driver’s side of the car and opened the passenger door from the inside. I put my purse on the seat, and as I reached to close the car door, I heard him searching in my purse for the note he was concerned about. I quickly pulled my purse away from him to my other side. I did not then fully understand the importance of the note, but I felt that I should save the note and remember everything I could.

I believe that I was initially supposed to make contact with Oswald. Oswald left Dallas for New Orleans the same day, Wednesday, April 24, that I left Washington D.C. The phone number I had been given was that of Jesse Gamer, manager of the apartments where Oswald rented one for himself and his family. The apartments were actually owned by William McLaney, who also owned the land across Lake Pontchartrain where the anti-Castro Cubans and the CIA had established a training camp to prepare for an invasion of Cuba. McLaney and his brother were gangsters who had managed gambling casinos in Havana, Cuba, before Fidel Castro came into power. I believe that Oswald was sent there to that apartment complex and Rivera had complete knowledge of this process.

I called the phone number and asked to speak with Lee Harvey Oswald. The first time I called the man who answered (Jesse Gamer) said there was no one there by that name. Oswald did not rent the apartment until May 10, but the second time I called they had apparently arrived. I then spoke with Marina Oswald, as Oswald was not there. I did speak with Oswald during my third call. I asked him if he knew Colonel or Dr. Rivera in Washington. He said he did not. I told him that was odd as Rivera knew of him and his wife. I asked for the address where the phone was located and he gave me an address on Magazine Street. I thanked him and apologized for bothering him. I did not convey Rivera’s message. I did identify myself to the apartment manager, to Mrs. Oswald, and to Oswald himself.

There were other comments made by Rivera which pertained to the assassination of President Kennedy. He said:

“After it’s over, the men will be out of the country.”

“The Director of the International Trade Mart is involved in this.”

“He’ll call Abt to defend him.” (Oswald did try to reach John Abt after he was captured.)

“We’re going to send him to the library to read about great assassinations in history.”

“After it’s over, someone will kill him. They’ll say his best friend killed him.” (He was referring to Oswald.)

“It will happen after the Shriners’ Circus comes to New Orleans .” (The Shriners’ Circus usually came to New Orleans the second week of November.)

“After it happens, the President’s best friend will commit suicide. He’ll jump out of a window because of his grief.” (Grant Stockdale of Miami, a friend of Kennedy’s and former ambassador to Ireland, did so in December, 1963, although some believe he was murdered.)

Rivera made a number of threatening statements to me about going to the FBI; that “we will be watching you”; and told me to destroy the note. I believe that he gave me a possible lethal dose of either LSD-25 of some similar drug (BZ?) because I felt as if I was dying when I left Washington and remained that way for an entire week. Another reason for thinking he might have done so was that in September shortly after Labor Day he was at the LSU School of Medicine walking down the hallway, and when he noticed me, he stopped, almost tripped, stumbled backwards, and looked as if he had seen a ghost. He did not say anything to me, or I to him, and he hurried on.

I had some flashbacks during the summer, and many fearful episodes, but I managed somehow to continue with my research. In early July I called the local Secret Service Office to make an appointment to speak with them, as I thought they should be told about this occurrence. An Agent Rice had answered and I told him briefly that I had met someone who had said some very strange things about the President which they should know about. I was about to go there, but I became frightened and thought they would not believe me, so I canceled. Also, my husband would have been furious to learn that I had done so, because when I had told him of the things that Rivera had said, and even though he thought there was a conspiracy to kill the President, he thought we should not get involved. I had wanted to go to the Secret Service or the FBI then, but he did not want me to, fearing some embarrassment for him, I suppose. He had consulted with two attorneys and their advice was that nothing could be done because it was a matter of my words against Rivera’s.

When the assassination occurred, I called the Secret Service and went to speak with them. Secret Service Agent John Rice (he was Agent-in-Charge of the New Orleans Secret Service) escorted me to the FBI office in the Federal Building where an FBI Liaison Special Agent, Orrin Bartlett, was present. He was from Washington , and was the liaison between the FBI and the Secret Service and the White House. I told them my story, beginning with the trip to the FASEB Meeting and then Rivera’s odd statement about what “Jackie would do when her husband dies.” Agent Rice began to take notes, but after a while he stopped. I believe the interview was tape recorded as I heard a faint whirring sound from the desk where Agent Rice sat. I was there for at least 3-4 hours, during which time FBI Special Agent Bartlett called his headquarters and the Baltimore Field Office and told them to bring Rivera in for interrogation. Both agents seemed very concerned and appreciative of my information. I gave the top portion of my note with the Winston de Monsabert name, message, and the phone number on it to the FBI Agent when he asked for it. In July after my call to the Secret Service, I had destroyed the bottom portion of Oswald’s name and Rivera’s message to him on it for fear that if the President were to be assassinated, and this note were to be found in my handwriting, it would be very difficult to explain.

I believed that Rivera had been apprehended and was incarcerated. When I received a form letter with Rivera’s signature on it acknowledging receipt of my progress report (requested by someone else of the Training Grants and Award Section of the NINDB), I became terrified. I assumed that the Secret Service Agent and the FBI Agent did not believe me, although they had asked me to call them if I remembered anything else. They also had told me not to speak to anyone about my being there, as a protection for myself. I expected to be called before the Warren Commission, but I never was.

My husband suggested that I consult Milton Erickson, a respected medical hypnotist, to confirm my experiences and memories. I tried to make contact with him several times, but each time he had some medical emergency of his own and I was never able to see him. I suffered through fearful times, depressions and anxieties. For many years I did not speak of these things and would not read anything about the assassination.

However, in late 1974, the “Tomorrow” television program featured an interview between Tom Snyder and a man whose identity and features were hidden and who claimed that there had been a conspiracy by some government employees of certain federal agencies to murder the President. The man claimed to have been a liaison between a military unit (Air Force?) and the CIA. I started to read books by critics of the Warren Commission. In April of 1975, after a few other programs on the assassination, I wrote to the Tomorrow Program and received a phone call from Ms. Pamela Burke, Executive Producer of the show. This began a telephone friendship which lasted a few years.

One week before the Rockefeller Commission revealed the LSD ‘experimentation on witting and unwitting civilian and military personnel by the CIA, Army and Navy, I told her about Rivera’s drugging me. She tried to locate him and to investigate what she could. She advised that I needed an attorney.

I consulted Attorney Jack Peebles in New Orleans who recommended making Freedom of Information requests of the FBI, CIA, USSS, which I did. Over the years I have repeated these requests, asking for copies of reports of my interview with the FBI and Secret Service on November 24, 1963. The responses have not been positive. Mr. Peebles sent letters to the Chairmen of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (no real interest on the part of Senator Church; Senator Inouye expressed interest, but his staff member did not think the Committee’s purview extended to investigate Rivera), and to the Chairmen of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (Louis Stokes and Richardson Preyer – no acknowledgment or response of any kind).

I consulted Richard Garver, a hypnotist, to try to recover the remainder of the telephone number I had been given by Rivera. I had remembered the first three digits, 899, and the last two, 44, when I wrote up my experiences for Mr. Peebles in 1976 (for safekeeping if anything untoward were to happen to me), but was not sure of the intermediate numbers. Through Mr. Garver I met a Special Agent of the FBI in the San Antonio FBI office in late 1984, and he suggested that I write a very brief summary of my experiences which he would send to his Headquarters in Washington , D.C. This was completed in February 1985, but neither one of us heard anything in response. This was some years after the House Select Committee on Assassinations had concluded, in 1978, from acoustical studies that there had been more than three shots and a second gunman, hence a conspiracy, and had directed the Justice Department to investigate this matter, which, apparently, it did not do.

In 1992 when passage of the law to collect government documents related to the President Kennedy assassination was being considered, I wrote to as many Congressmen as I could, among them Louis Stokes. His vote was crucial to passage of the law. I received a very nice letter of acknowledgment from him. Somehow my three-page summary and the FBI’s Agent’s covering letter were found by a staff member of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) and a copy now resides in Box 18 of the Douglas Horne section of the JFK Collection in the National Archives II (NARA II) in College Park, Maryland, among with other documents of mine and government files on Jose A. Rivera. I am mentioned on page 109, as well as identified as giving testimony in Dallas in 1994, in the Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board.

I wish to thank Dave Robertson, Attorney-at-Law, for his suggestions and editorial assistance with this article.

Adele Edisen

Col. Jose Rivera & US Army Service Command

December 25, 2009

Col. Jose Rivera & US Army Service Command

The officers overseeing his work, according to the patch on the shoulder, are from the US Army Service Command – which included the Medical Corps and Chemical and Biological warfare, both of which Rivera was assocaited with.

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In charge of the Army Service Forces, Lieutenant General Brehon B. Somervell had built LaGuardia Airport in New York and later was responsible for the design and construction of the Pentagon.

Active 9 March 1942 – 11 June 1946

So this photo can be dated between 42 and 46.
The officer on the right seems like he’s a gruff, no-nonsense, gungo ho type, while the other guy with glasses is a quiet thinker. Is that Somervell himself?

The Army Service Forces was one of the three autonomous components of the Army of the United States during World War II, the others being the Army Air Forces and Army Ground Forces. It was created on February 28, 1942 by Executive Order Number 9082 “Reorganizing the Army and the War Department” [1], and War Department Circular No.59, dated March 2, 1942.

In March 1942, there was a sweeping reorganization of the Army. This was the result of dissatisfaction with the existing structure, with the United States Army Air Forces in particular seeking greater autonomy. However, the main driver was the Chief of Staff, who felt overwhelmed by the large number of officers and agencies — at least 61 — with direct access to him.

The Chief of Staff wanted no more than three commands reporting to him, so everything which did not fit into the Army Ground Forces or Army Air Forces became part of the Services of Supply, which was renamed the Army Service Forces on 12 March 1943, as it was felt that the term ‘supply’ did not accurately describe its broad range of activities.

Army Service Forces brought together elements of five different components of the Army: elements of the War Department General Staff, especially its G-4 component; the Office of the Under Secretary of War; the eight administrative bureaux; the nine corps areas, which became the service commands; and the six supply arms and services, which became known as the technical services.
Technical Services

Six Technical Services found themselves part of Army Service Forces when it was formed in 1942: the Corps of Engineers, Signal Corps, Ordnance Department, Quartermaster Corps, Chemical Corps and Medical Corps. A seventh technical service, the Transportation Corps was established as the Transportation Division 28 February 1942 under Executive Order 9082. It was renamed the Transportation Service in April 1942 and became a corps in its own right on 31 July 1942. The Transportation Corps took over control of the ports of embarkation, regulating points and railways.
Unlike the chiefs of the combat arms, who had their offices abolished and their authority transferred to the Chief of Army Ground Forces, neither the duties nor the structure of the technical services was altered by their becoming part of the Army Service Forces, but their status changed, and the chiefs no longer had direct access to the Chief of Staff or the Secretary of War.

Each of the Technical Services ran its own procurement and field depots.

According the website of the U.S. Army Institute of Heraldry, the insignia of the Army Service Forces consisteed of “a blue five-pointed star, one point up, 1 3/8 inches in diameter on a white background within a red border, outside diameter 2 1/4 inches, inside invected of six.” The patch was approved on July 30, 1941 and has had numerous designations. It redesignated as the “Army Service Forces” patch in March 1943; “Technical and Administrative Services” in June 1946; and “DA Staff Support” in 1969. The shoulder sleeve insignia is now authorized for personnel assigned to Department of the Army Field Operating Agencies.[1] From 1980 through 2006 it was worn by members of the U.S. Army Trial Defense Service.



“It will happen after the Shriner’s circus comes to New Orleans.” – Dr./Col.
Jose Rivera.

After I began to take Adele Edisen seriously, and closer examine her story, I
broke up various aspects of her conversations with Dr. Rivera into SERIALS – to
see if they could be checked out. A few of them seemed easy, others more
difficult, but hints and clues that latched onto something real that could be

For instance, [SERIAL # 6 ] Edisen quoted Rivera as saying: “We’ll have him go
to the library and read up on all of the great assassins in history.”

The list of books Oswald checked out of the New Orleans Public Library was not
classified, and from what I’ve seen of the list, though I might not have the
complete list, there aren’t any books on assassination that I could find in a
quick perusal. There are however, some interesting authors – Aldus Huxley, Ian
Fleming, …… but nothing about assassins.

In the course of reading the Secret Service Exceptional Case Study Project
(ECSP) it is interesting to note that in the course of attempting to profile and
manage potential assassins that come to their attention, they list Questions to
Ask in a Threat Assessment: “Has the subject shown an interest in any of the
following? – Assassins or assassination. Weapons (including recent acquisition
of a weapon. Militant or radical ideas/groups. Murders, murderers, mass
murderers, and workplace violence and stalking incidents.”

Now SERIAL # 6 was the first part of Adele Edisen’s story that didn’t check
out, so far, and it is a peculiar one.

All of the significant SERIALS do check out while one seemingly insignificant
one does not.

I thought an even more bizarre quote Edisen attributes to Rivera is: “It will
happen after the Shriner’s circus comes to New Orleans.”

Now I’ve since learned that the Shriner’s Circus does come to New Orleans every
November, and it is apparently a big social occasion. I also have a list of the
organizations that Dr. Jose River was a member of, including the Shriners.

So it was with some interest that I somehow, quite miraculously came into
possession of a pulp paperback book, “Parade To Glory – The Shriners – and their
Caravan to Destiny” by Fred Van Deventer ( Pyramid Books, N.Y., 1964);
p. 275:

“It was even possible that Governor Earl Warren (later to become Chief Justice
of the United States) served as prophet when he welcomed the Imperial Council
representatives to California, by declaring that America is a fraternal nation.
‘It is,’ he said, ‘a land of fraternities, and one of the greatest is the Shrine
of North America. Nations across the waters do not understand this phase of or
national life….I wish all the world could absorb this fraternal spirit and put
it to work. It is all that is necessary to solve the most troublesome problems
of our turbulent times…..If the world would adopt the same attitude towards the
poor, the weak and the under-privileged that the Shrine has maintained toward
the crippled children of North America, without regard to race, creed or color,
it would dispel most of the darkness around us. There is no gloom that cannot be
driven out by the sunshine of the Shrine.’”


“Thus it was that it became apparent to him [Dr. Clayton F. Andrews] in the
decade of the fifties that while the hospitals had successfully and mercifully
treated thousands of children afflicted with orthopedic deformities, not much
use had ever been made of the wide background and knowledge obtained by the
hospitals and doctors from all of the successes and, of course, a few failures.

“During the decade, Dr. Guy A. Caldwell, professor of surgery at
Tulane University in New Orleans, had become chief of the advisory board of
orthopedic surgeons, and as Dr. Andrews moved up the line became friendly with
him. And so it was that at the mid-winter meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the hospitals at the Astor Hotel in New York in January of 1958, Dr. Andrews
presented Dr. Caldwell to make a long and detailed speech on the value that
could be obtained from all of the hospital records if the board would approve a
program of clinical research.”

p. 298:

“Dr. Andrews conceded in the discussion that his program of clinical
research would not need all of the funds the hospital corporation had available
for research, and [Imperial Sir Marshall M.] Porter replied that side by side
with the program of clinical research, the Shriners should explore some other
field that bears some relation to the overall picture of the Shriners Hosptial
for Crippled Children. But what field? No one knew.”

“In Atlantic City that July of 1959, Dr. Andrews became the Imperial
Potentate. Together with the manifold duties of his office, he continued to
watch over his research project. Seminars for surgeons were conducted. Experts
devised the punch-card IBM program, and in Washington, Chief Counsel Bob Smith
picked up the telephone in his office and put through a call to the United
States Army Medical Research Command.”

“At some unrecorded date in the spring of 1958, Smith had discussed
with some of the top medical brass of the Army, Navy and Airforce what the
Shrine might do in the field of medical research to help humanity in general,
and children in particular. And Army records reveal that a number of projects
were suggested, but Colonel Frederick Timmerman, deputy to Brigadier General
Joseph McNinch in command of the Army medical research, recalls that he had
become convinced, and told Smith, that the greatest single medical need in North
America was some facility for the treatment of major burns and research and
teaching projects connected with them.”

“While Smith had all of the suggestions in hand when he went to
Atlantic City, there is no recorded evidence that he offered them to the
trustees, but it is likely that he talked about them behind closed doors, for
after that session was concluded he immediately asked the Army’s medical
research command if they would stage a seminar on burns for the Shrine’s
leadership. They would and did on August 24 and 25….The Army doctors did a bang
up job of showing them the need for burn research. They went into every phase of
their own research programs. Colonel Edward H. Vogel, Jr., the commanding
officer of the Army medical research unit at Brooke Army Medical Center at San
Antonio, Texas, who was in charge of the only burn research center in the United
States, was particularly impressive with a movie and slide presentation of the
work his unit was doing.”

“But all of the military men said there was so much more to be done,
particularly among civilians; and among civilians, particularly children, for
burns were one of the great scourges of childhood.”

“In January of 1960, at the mid-winter meeting of the Board of
Trustees in New Orleans, there was no doubt of the enthusiasm that had been
generated…., but Caldwell cautioned that so far it was just something for the
board to think about, and that the entire matter for the time being should be
held confidential among themselves.”

“But the spark had begun to ignite into flame, and by the time the
trustees met prior to the Denver Convention, it had grown into a bright blaze,
and they unanimously approved a resolution that Chairman Calhoun should appoint
a burns committee that would make extensive investigations into a burns
treatment and research program for children and report to the mid-winter meeting
in Las Vegas, Nevada, the following January…”

“The committee wasted no time. They quickly called into consultation
the doctors, the lawyers and the builders. The doctors and the committee visited
at the Brooke Army Medical Center. So did the Shrine’s architects so that they
might report on just what would be involved structurally if a burns program was
finally approved. The lawyers investigated the legal feasibility of the COLORADO
CORPORATION entering into such a program, and they quickly discovered from a
search of the records that Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children had been
treating burns cases of children for years because burns created orthopedic
problems. The Surgical Advisory Board was unanimous in its opinion that while
burns created problems other than orthopedic, certainly burn cases were
orthopedic in character because bone and muscle contractures.”

“Progress was being made by the committee, but it was slow work for
there were so few people to advise. They had talked, of course, with Colonel
Vogel in San Antonio and with Dr. Truman Blocker, another former Army burn
specialist, and now a professor of surgery at the University of Texas Medical
School in Galveston. Dr. Blocker and Dr. Vogel also recommended that they talk
with Dr. Curtis P. Artz, associate professor of surgery at the University of
Mississippi, who as an Army colonel had originally set up the Brooke burns

“At the Imperial session in Miami in July, 1961, the burns committee
was able to make an interim report, but they were not quite ready to formalize a
program. There was still much work to do. Dr. Caldwell needed to talk with the
deans of important medical schools, so that when a program would be formally
introduced there would be no doubt of its final passage. The delay in Miami was
brought on largely through the death of [Council] Bob Smith in Boston on May 12,
1961 of a heart attack. He was visiting Robert Gardner Wilson in connection with
his activities on behalf of the proposed burns institutes…”

“Galloway Calhoun, who had lived most of his life at the center of drama, died
the same way as he addressed the 90th annual conclave of the Knights Templar of
Arkansas on the evening of April 16, 1962….Past Imperial Potentate [ Thomas C.]
Law died three weeks later on May 4, 1962, in a private hospital in Atlanta, and
thus three men who had had so much to do with the Shrine’s hoped-for new
philanthropy were not present when the Shriners began to arrive in Toronto on
June 30.”

“Dr. Caldwell returned to tell the Shriners that as projected, the burns
institutes would provide three things – 1. immediate treatment for burned
children, treatment within 48 hours, which would require in many cases air
travel for the patient; 2. total burn research in laboratories in each
institute, which would be located on or adjacent to campuses of outstanding
medical universities where vast facilities for treatments associated with burns
would be available; and 3. the creation of programs for the teaching of teams of
burn doctors and technicians, which could then take to all America training
programs for other teams to be created.”

p. 309:

“In the end, the committee chose the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts
General Hospital; the University of Texas Medical School Branch at Galveston,
Texas; and the University of Cincinnati Medical School and University Hospital.
The first institute to begin actual construction was that at Galveston, Texas,
where Imperial Potentate Howard C. Close broke ground on June 23, 1964.


“’Accompanied by 50 brass bands, some 500 horses, and at least two camels, the
Shriners swarmed into Manhattan 150,000 strong, occupied 85 hotels and motor
inns, added to the traffic jams, monopolized sidewalks, held seven-hour-long
parades and displayed a keen group sense of humor in a thousand hilarious ways,
including occasionally entangling innocent natives in loops of invisible thread.
They wore red fezzes, red and green floppy harem trousers, and red-embroidered
jackets and looked like wandering extras from ‘The Forty Days of Musa Dagh,’
They were the respectable and respected members of the Ancient Arabic Order
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. As representatives of an organization forthrightly
dedicated to whoopee in a good cause, the Shriners are pranksters by


“Equally important, among his [O.Carlyle Brock’s] first messages to
temples was that he wanted Shrine units to make every public appearance possible
so that the general public might know that Shriners, playing at Moslems and
Infidels, are dedicated Masons, actively working at and contributing to the
welfare of those less fortunate. Moreover, he wanted the public to know that in
their antics and demonstrations, they still lived within the code, as William B.
Melish put it in 1892:

‘Pleasure without intemperance, hospitality without rudeness and jollity without


The terrible wounds inflicted by chemical weapons such as chlorine and mustard gas, in World War I spawned international attempts to ban their use in warfare. The 1925 Geneva Convention succeeded only in banning first use in war of chemical and biological weapons. The United States signed this Convention but Congress failed to ratify it; thus, the United States was not bound by its prohibitions. Nevertheless, there was a widespread belief that the United States would comply with the Convention….

Ironically, as the first President publicly to commit the United States to the policy of the Geneva Conventions, President Roosevelt announced in June 1943, with the intent of warning Japan against the use of such weapons: “I state categorically that we shall under no circumstances resort to the use of such weapons [poisons or noxious gases] unless they are first used by our enemies.” As he spoke, however, he knew the United States had intensified its biological research effort three months earlier, with the construction of a facility for drug research at Fort Detrick, Maryland…

The Army’s facility at Fort Detrick remained the center of biological weapons research and development.

1. Chemical and Biological Activities.

Against this background, the Central Intelligence Agency entered into a special agreement with the Army on a project which the CIA codenamed MKNAOMI. The original purpose of MKNAOMI is difficult to determine. Few written records were prepared during its 18-year existence; most of the documents relating to it have been destroyed; and persons with knowledge of its early years have either died or have been unable to recall much about their association with the project. However, it is fair to conclude from the types of weapons developed for the CIA, and from the extreme security associated with MKNAOMI, that the possibility of first use of biological weapons by the CIA was contemplated.

The Army agreed that the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick would assist the CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems. By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use. In 1967, the CIA summarized MKNAOMI objectives:

a. To provide for a covert support base to meet clandestine operational requirements.
b. To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division].
c. To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials.
d. To provide for the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under operational conditions.
In reviewing the records and testimony of SOD personnel, it is easy, for the most part, to distinguish SOD’s work for the Army from its work for the CIA, even though very few SOD scientists knew of the CIA connections. For example, the CIA personnel who worked with SOD were identified as military officers from the fictitious Staff Support Group, whose interest in SOD was markedly different from the Army’s. The CIA was careful to ensure that its moneys were transferred to SOD to cover the cost of CIA projects and the few existing SOD records indicate which projects were to be charged against the funds received from “P-600,” the accounting designation for CIA funds.

SOD’s work for the Army from 1952 until the early 1960s was primarily to assess the vulnerability of sensitive installations, such as the Pentagon, air bases, and subway systems, to biological sabotage by an enemy. In order to conduct these tests, SOD personnel would develop small, easily disguised devices – such as spray canisters and spray pens – containing harmless biological agents. SOD personnel would surreptitiously gain access to the installation, leaving the devices to release the biological agent. SOD personnel would then monitor its spread throughout the installation. In this way, SOD could determine how vulnerable the installation was to sabotage of this kind and could advise those charged with security of the installation on countermeasures.

Although the CIA was interested in the kinds of delivery devices which SOD could make for delivery of the biological agents, CIA projects were distinct because they involved the mating of delivery systems to lethal or incapacitating biological agents, instead of harmless agents used in vulnerability tests. The CIA would ask SOD to produce a delivery system and a compatible biological agent – a request not made by the Army until the early 1960s.

SOD on occasion physically transferred biological agents in “bulk” form, various delivery devices, and most importantly, delivery devices containing biological agents, to CIA personnel. Although none of the witness before Select Committee could recall any transfer of such material for actual use by the CIA, evidence available to the Committee indicates that he CIA attempted to use the material. It is fair to conclude that biological agents and delivery devices prepared at Fort Detrick and transferred to the Staff Support Group were carried by CIA agents in attempted assassinations of foreign leaders. However, the Committee found no evidence that such material was ever in fact used against a person by the CIA.

By the early 1960s, the Army also became interested in the type of work SOD was doing for the CIA. The Army apparently decided that his type of surreptitious delivery device might be useful to Special Forces units in guerrilla warfare. SOD developed special bullets containing poison darts which could be fired, with little noise, from standard military weapons and small portable devices capable of spraying biological agents into the air which would form lethal clouds. Ultimately, the Army stockpiled a quantity of these bullets, but never transferred them to field units.

SOD developed another capability according to existing records which, so far as the Committee could determine, was never tapped by Army or by the CIA. Whereas most SOD work was devoted to biological weapons which could kill one individual noiselessly and with almost no trace of which would kill or incapacitate a small group. SOD did research the possibilities of large-scale covert use of biological weapons. SOD scientists prepared a memoranda, which were passed to the CIA, detailing what diseases were common in what areas of the world so that covert use of biological weapons containing these diseases could easily go undetected. SOD researched special delivery devices for these biological agents, but it never mated such delivery devices with biological agents…

2. Termination

All the biological work ended in 1969. Shortly after taking office, President Nixon ordered the staff of the National Security Council to review the chemical and biological weapons program of the United States. On November 25, 1969, he stated that the United States renounced the use of any form of biological weapons that kill or incapacitate. He further ordered the disposal of existing stocks of bacteriological weapons…

The Defense Department duly carried out the Presidential directive according to the instructions and supervision of the National Security Council staff. However, a CIA scientists acquired from SOD personnel at Fort Detrick approximately 11 grams of shellfish toxin, a quantity which was approximately one-third of the total world production and which was sufficient to prepare tens of thousands of darts. This toxin, a known danger if inhaled, swallowed, or injected, was then stored in a little-used laboratory at the CIA where its presence went undetected for five years.

The transfer of SOD to the CIA resulted in a major quantity of toxin being retained by an agency in a manner which clearly violated the President’s order. The evidence to the Committee established that he decision to transfer and to retain the shellfish toxin was not made by, or known to, high-level officials of either the Defense Department or the CIA. The Director of the CIA was told of the possibility of retaining the toxin, but he rejected that course of action. The Committee found that the decision to keep the toxin, in direct and unmistakable contradiction of a widely announced Presidential decision, was made by a few individuals in the CIA and SOD.

Nevertheless, the history of MKNAOMI and the atmosphere surrounding it undoubtedly contributed to the mistaken belief of those individuals that they were not directly affected by the President’s decision.

The MKNAOMI project itself was contrary to the Untied States policy since 1925 and to Presidential announcement since 1943, for it contemplated a first use of biological weapons by the CIA – albeit in the context of small covert operations. Moreover, because of the sensitive nature of MKNAOMI, these scientists gave their superiors little written record of their work and received little or no written guidance.

The National Security Council staff, charged by the President with determining what U.S. policy should be, did not discover MKNAOMI in the course of its study and did not, therefore, consider the possibility that he CIA had biological weapons or biological agents.

The CIA employee who claims to have made the decision, on his own, to retain the toxin received no written instructions to destroy them. Kept outside the National Security Council’s study, the employee had to rely only on the newspaper account of the President’s announcement and his own interpretation of it.


Captions on U2 Photos of Cuba

December 21, 2009
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Did Oswald Place Captions on U2 Photos at Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval?

In the course of the Cuban Missile Crisis, much of it recorded for posterity, President Kennedy asks about the briefing maps, how the captions, arrows and circles were placed on them, and how many maps were printed.

In The Kennedy Tapes – Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis (Edited by E. May and P. Zelikow; Belknap Press, Harvard, 1997), “Kennedy was in the Cabinet Room with his 5-year old daughter, Caroline, when the advisors filed in, accompanied by Arthur Lundahl from NPIC [National Photo Interpretation Center], and another CIA expert, Sidney Graybeal. CIA as a whole was represented by Acting Director Marshall Carter. McCone was on the West Coast, arranging the burial of his stepson. As Caroline left and the meeting began, Kennedy turned on the tape recorder…..”

President Kennedy: What is this map?

Carter: That shows the circular range capability….

Kennedy: Well, I was just wondering whether San Diego de los Banos is where these missles are.

Carter: Yes, sir.

Kennedy: Well, I wonder how many of these [maps] have been printed out.

Bundy: The circle is drawn in red ink on the map, Mr. President.

Kennedy: Oh, I see. It was never printed?

Carter: No, that’s on top.

Kennedy: I see, it isn’t printed…

At Allen Dulles Airport a public display on the U2 (circa 1996) included a mock up of the U2 airplane and some photographs taken during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which John Judge noticed included the typed reference at the bottom in small print:
“Photo Courtesy of Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval.”

From: Legend The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald By Edward Jay Epstein (Readers Digest Press, , 1978) p.189-197

Chapter XI – The Underground Man

“On October 7, 1962, George DeMohrenschildt called his 18 year old daughter, Alexandra, and invited her and her husband to meet a young American who had just returned from Russia. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald, and he lived in Fort Worth with his Russian wife and daughter, who was almost the same age as Alexandra’s son. DeMohrenschildt said that he was going that afternoon to the Van Cliburn competition in Fort Worth – in which four Soviet pianists were taking part – and suggested that they all meet afterwards at the Oswald’s apartment on Mercedes Street.”

“…When Alexandra and Gary arrived at the Oswald’s apartment that afternoon, they found an odd assortment of people gathered in the living room. There was Oswald, sitting silently in a T-shirt and slacks, looking slightly contemptuously at the others who were discussing his future, and Marina,…(who) was talking in Russian to Elena Hall, the dental technician who had arranged dental treatment for her at a clinic in Dallas, and Anna Meller, another member of the Russian community… Oswald’s mother was also in the room…She seemed to have the impression that DeMohrenschildt had already arranged a job for her son in Dallas, and that was why he had suddenly decided to leave Fort Worth.”

“Oswald had precipitated the immediate crisis by saying that he had been fired from his job at Leslie Welding in Fort Worth (in fact, he not only was still employed, but was looked on with favor at Leslie Welding.)…..As far as Gary Taylor could see, DeMohrenschildt was clearly the leader in planning Oswald’s move to Dallas….Anna Meller knew someone who worked for the Texas Employment Commission. While Oswald looked for work, Marina could stay with the Taylors in Dallas or the Halls in Fort Worth. And until they found an apartment in Dallas, the Oswalds’ furtniture could be stored in the Hall’s garage.”

“…The next evening Oswald left his apartment and made his way to Dallas. No one, not even Marina, was to know his precise whereabouts in Dallas for the next month. He had told some friends that he was staying at the Carleton Boarding House, but as Marina realized at the time, that was a lie meant to conceal his real place of residence. He was now, as he hiself later wrote in a letter, ‘underground.’” [1]

“…On Tuesday, October 9, Oswald went to the offices of the Texas Employment Commission. He was immaculately dressed in a dark business suit, white shirt and tie. He asked to see Helen Cunningham, a counselor with the commission. Anna Meller’s husband [BK – a Fort Worth attorney and former head of security for Convair Aircraft Co. division of General Dynamics] had already called Mrs. Cunningham, who was a friend of his, and asked her to help Oswald get a job…Mrs. Cunningham found Oswald ‘self-contained, able…and entirely presentable as far as grooming and appearance were concerned.’ Oswald explained that he had had some photographic experience in the Marine Corps and preferred to find a position where he could use that skill.”

“Mrs. Cunningham turned him over to Louise Latham, a job placement expert who specialized in the sort of clerical-photographic work in which Oswald seemed most interested. Latham was also impressed with Oswald. She recalls: ‘Lee had finesse. E was very mannerly…He was the kind of person who would come around and pull my chair out at the desk, or light a cigarette for someone…He was quiet, a good thinker…and beautifully groomed.’”

“She first sent Oswald to an architectural firm that had an opening for a messenger…he failed to get the job because he told them that he wanted something with an opportunity for advancement. The employment commission’s records note that Oswald returned to them and was then sent on October 11 for an interview at Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval (JCS), a large typesetting firm in Dallas.”

“When Oswald met John Graef, the director of the company’s photographic department, he again made a very effective first impression. He looked clean-cut and eager for the job. When asked about his last job, he explained that he had been a Marine. ‘Honorably discharged, of course,’ Graef said half-jokingly. ‘Oh, yes,’ Oswald replied, mentioning his service in the Far East.”

“The interview lasted only fifteen minutes. Later that day Oswald learned that he had the job as a photo-print trainee.”

“The next day Oswald reported to work in the ‘print shop’ in downtown Dallas. He filled out an employee identification questionnaire, in which he gave Gary Taylor’s address and phone number as his own. The foreman, Leonard Calverley, took Oswald to the phototypesetting department, where he would begin by learning how to use the various cameras and reproduction equipment. It was to be a six-day-a-week job, for which he would be paid $1.35 an hour.”

“The main business of Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval was preparing printing mattes for newspapers, magazines, catalogues and advertising agencies in the Southwest. This required reducing photographs in size, phototypesetting typescript and using sophisticated lenses and equipment to arrange advertising displays and charts.”

“Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval also had a contract with the Army Map Service to set the typescript for its maps. Although the maps themselves were not on the premises, this was nevertheless highly classified work. For one thing, the maps were made from secret aerial photographs presumably taken from spy satellites, U2 planes and other forms of clandestine reconnaissance. For another, the lists of names of cities and areas in the Soviet Union, China and Cuba which were being set, themselves provide clues to the targets of these reconnaissance missions.”

“Like all other employees of the typesetting department, Oswald had complete access to the worktables on which the secret lists of place-names for the Army Map Service were kept. In theory, these were supposed to be ‘restricted areas’ in which only employees with a security clearance from the FBI were allowed to be present. In fact, however, little effort was made to enforce these restrictions. There were no guards or security measures which prevented employees from entering the areas in which the classified work was done….It was even possible, according to Calverly, for employees to use the cameras in the plant to reproduce the list of names.”

“…The employees of JCS set the long lists of geographical names, which came from the Army Map Service, on three-inch strips of paper. Some of these names were written in Cryrillic characters and identified Russian cities; others appeared to be Chinese names. And in the fresh batch of names that arrived almost daily some of the employees began to notice the appearance of odd-sounding Cuban names on the list.”

“At CIA headquarters in Langley, photo analysts were receiving a similar set of Cuban place-names on the latest batch of U2 photographs from Cuba. Throughout the first two weeks of October intelligence reports had indicated that the Soviets were constructing concrete bunkers and installing electronic equipment at sites in Cuba under conditions of extraordinary secrecy. Hence the U2 overflights. Then, on October 14, the U2 planes focusing on the area around San Cristobal in eastern Cuba photographed newly built structures which could be unmistakably identified as missile launchers for intermediate range missiles. Every city within the eastern part of the United States would be vulnerable to these missiles, when operational. On receiving this ominous report, President Kennedy summoned an emergency meeting of the National Security Council. The Cuban Missile Crisis had begun.”

“At JCS, Oswald was taught how to operate such highly specialized photographic equipment as distortion cameras, phototypesetters and Robertson vertical cameras. He was shown how to reproduce perfectly a pictorial display, then to reduce or distort it with optical lenses so that I fitted perfectly on a standard-size printing mat. Soon he became proficient at such techniques as line modifications, blowups, reverses and minaturizations, as he himself noted in an autobiographical sketch that he wrote some months later in New Orleans.”

“Oswald used these skills to forge identification papers for himself at JCS under the alias A.J. Hidell, including a fake Selective Service Card and Certificate of Service in the Marines. (He also provided himself with a bogus license under the name O.H. Lee.)”

“He found that his knowledge of Russian came in handy in the ‘print shop.’ He offered on at least one occasion to translate the Cyrillic symbols on a list that was being prepared for the Army Map Service and explained to the foreman of the section working on this classified material that these were Russian place-names. This exchange was observed by one of Oswald’s fellow workers, Jack Bowen, who also noticed that Oswald kept an ‘old red book on Russian’ in his desk.”

“Oswald also couldn’t resist impressing Dennis Hyman Ofstein, who had taught him how to use some of the photographic equipment, with his fluent Russian. Ofstein, who was about the same age as Oswald, had learned Russian himself when he served in the Army Security Agency (the predecessor to the National Security Agency). He was, however, not nearly as proficient in the language as Oswald and therefore tried to practice it by speaking to him in Russian during the working hours.”

“Oswald was initially closemouthed about himself and volunteered little more than he had been a Marine who had served in Japan. Then he asked Ofstein to help him blow up an odd-looking photograph he had brought into the shop. It showed a river in the foreground and an interesting-looking building in the background. When Ofstein asked whether this was a picture Oswald had taken during his tour of Japan, Oswald answered, ‘No, it wasn’t in Japan.’ Then he changed the subject, as he generally did when he didn’t want to answer a question.”

“A short while later Oswald told Ofstein that the picture had been taken in Minsk, Russia. The building in the picture was a military headquarters, which was tightly guarded by soldiers who had orders to shoot to kill any trespassers, Oswald said….Little by little Oswald told Ofstein more about his stay in the Soviet Union. He said that the MVD secret police had one of their headquarter buildings in Minsk. He mentioned that he had traveled within the Soviet Union and spent one May Day in Moscow observing Soviet military equipment on parade….Oswald casually revealed to Ofstein that he had married a ‘White Russian’ while he was in Minsk.”

“As they grew friendlier, Oswald asked Ofstein if he knew what the term ‘microdot’ meant…Oswald then explained that it was a technique used in espionage. A mass of documents could be reduced through a special photographic process literally to a dot which could be hidden ‘under a postage stamp.’ Spies used such microdots for sending data…In his personal address book, next to the entry for Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval, Oswald carefully wrote the word ‘microdot,’ connecting the place where he worked with a basic technique of espionage. Some eight months after Oswald left JCS, the FBI conducted an investigation of his employment there. Agents showed his fellow workers a photograph of a leather pouch that they believed Oswald might have used to conceal a miniature camera, but no one recalled seeing Oswald with either the pouch or the camera.” [6]

“…During the first month at JCS, Oswald saw very little of Marina. DeMohrenschildt attempted to find a separate home for her. He first arranged for her to stay at his daughter’s apartment. Then, after staying one night at DeMohrenschildt’s own house, Marina moved to Elena Hall’s house for most of October (She had the house to herself for a week when Mrs. Hall was hospitalized after an automobile accident.)”

“…On Sunday, October 21, Marina invited Gali and Max Clark over to the Hall’s house for a Russian dinner which she cooked herself. Gali Clark, whose family had been Russian aristocrats before the Revolution, had come over almost every day to help Marina shop and look after her baby.”

“…Before visiting Marina the next weekend, Oswald stopped over at DeMohrenschildt’s home. Only days before, the United States and the Soviet Union had moved to the brink of war over the issue of the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba. Another U2 had been shot down over Cuba. But Khruschchev had finally backed down and agreed to remove the missiles. DeMohrenschildt seemed relieved that war had been averted and spoke for a while to Oswald.” [8]

“…The next week, after work at JCS, he found an apartment on Elsbeth Street in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. It was on the ground floor of a Tudor brick building and had three small rooms. It also had both a front and a back entrance. The rent was $68 a month…”

[Note: Other than four days at the YMCA, it is unknown where Oswald maintained his residence or slept during Oct. 1962]

Oswald in October, 1962 –

– October – 1 – George DeMohrenschildet takes Marina and baby to visit Adml. Chester Bruton, an executive at Collins Radio; Oswald shows up later in the day and DeMohrenschildet suggests Oswald get a job at Collins.

– Oct. – 1 – Mississippi – Gen. E. Walker arrested for “insurrection” & placed under psychiatric examination. (BA)

– Oct. 1 – Texas – Walker associate arrested with arsenal.

– Oct. 1 – N.O., La. – Dallas, Tx. – David Ferrie calls Belcher Oil Co., Dallas. (PW)

– Oct. 5 – N.O., La. – Dallas, Tx. – David Ferrie calls Belcher Oil. Co., Dallas (PW)

– Oct. 7 – 8 -? – Ft. Worth – Oswald leaves Leslie Welding Co. job because hours are reduced; total take $500.

– Oct. 7 – Ft. Worth – Oswald meets with George DeMohrenschildt, Gary and Alexandra Taylor, Elena Hall and Anna Meller, George Bouhe.

– Oct. 8 – 10 – Ft. Worth – Dallas – George DeMohrenschildt helps Oswalds move (BA) from Mercedes St. to Elana Hall’s house (AA).

– Oct. 8 – Jean LeGon DeMohrenschildt takes Marina to Baylor Dental Clinic. (BA)

– Oct. 9 – Oswald interviewed at Texas Employment Commission. (BA)

– Oct. 9 – Yale Prof. F. Barghoorn meets V. Petrof in USSR. ? 9BA)

– Oct. 9 – 10 ? – Oswald obtains P.O. Box 2915. (AA) (BA)

– Oct. 10 – Oswald tested for aptitude by Texas Employment Commission (AA) – [bright enough for college]

– Oct. 10 – Jean LeGon deMohrenschildt takes Marina to Baylor Dental Clinic. (BA)

– Oct. 11 – Oswald referred to Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval. (BA)

– Oct. 11 – Florida – Cuba – Alpha 66 raid on Cuba.

– Oct. 12 – Dallas – Oswald gets job a JCS.

– Oct. 14 – U2 recon flight over Cuba spots missile site construction.

– Oct. 15 – 18 – Oswald stays at Rm. 415 at YMCA on North Ervay, Dallas (Joe McRee, Mgr.-BA)

– Oct. 16 – Oswald’s daughter June baptized. (BA)

– Oct. 16 – D.C. – Kennedy Act taxes oil profits from abroad.

– Oct. 16 – Barghoorn and Petrov meet in USSR. (BA)

– Oct. 18 – N.O. – Tx – Ferrie calls Belcher Oil Co., Dallas.

– Oct. 22 – Moscow, USSR – Col. Oleg Penkovsky arrested for espionage; his contact Dr. Alexis Davidson.

– Oct. 22 – DC – Havana – Moscow – Cuban Missile Crisis.

– Oct. 27 – DeMohrenschildt meets with Oswald; shows movie of walk through Central America.

– Oct. ? – Ocean City, Maryland ? – LBJ visits Bobby Baker’s Carousel resort motel.

– Oct.? – Cuba – Fla. – John Martino released from Cuban prison. (LH)

– Oct. 30 – Dallas, Tx. – Oswald applies for membership in Socialist Workers Party.

– Oct. 30 – Fla. – D.C. – Task Force W. operations halted; William Harvey complains to RFK (LH)

– Oct. 31 – Halloween, Prescott Bush to Allen Dulles, “I still feel deeply worried about this Cuban situation.” (BA)

– Oct. 31 – David Atlee Phillip’s Birthday [“Maurice Bishop directs Antonio Veciana and Alpha 66 to attack Soviet merchant ships in Havana harbor…during the height of the Cuban missile crisis.- LH]

BA: Bruce Campbell Adamson – JFK Assassination Timeline Chart – (circa 1995)
PW: Peter Whitmey – Fourth Deacde Journal.
AA: Assassination Almanac – Tom Miller
LH: Larry Hancock Chronology – (unpublished)

Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XXIII
Current Section: CE 1850 – Lee Harvey Oswald’s daily timesheets for October 12-31, 1962, when he was employed by Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Inc.


Frankie Lee Checks In

December 21, 2009
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Frankie Lee Checks In – Bill Kelly

I had never heard of Frankie Lee before he was billed as the featured attraction at the Tony Marts nightclub reunion on Sunday (Aug.12, 2001) at Bubba Mac’s Shack in Somers Point, N.J., where I had witnessed, two nights previous, a jam session that included Band drummer Levon Helm, former Howlin’ Wolf guitarist Hubert Sumlin and various former members of Muddy Waters’ (Bob Margolin) and Howlin’ Wolf band members along with Muddy’s son, also a Morgenfield.

That was a hard act to follow, but then came Frankie Lee.

“We could have got another nostalgia rock & roll act for the reunion,” said the MC, Tony Mart’s son Carmen Marotta, as I got there and he was introducing the Frankie Lee band, “but we got something special instead. In 1963, when Tony Marts was in it’s heyday, Frankie Lee, who’se out of Waco, Texas, had a hit song on the charts.”

There was one empty seat at the far end of the bar, but I hesitated sitting down because there was a shot of whiskey and a lit cigarette in the ashtray, when a girl said, “Sit down, he won’t be needing the seat, he’s going on in a few minutes.”

Then there appeared Frankie Lee, spiffed up in his performance attire – white pin-stripped, double-breasted suit and wing tips, smiling, as his band began without him.

“Glad to meet you,” he said as he polished off the shot and took a drag.

I asked him the name of his hit song he had on the charts in 1963.

“Four Time Lover,” he said with a hoarse voice, which he blamed on performing outdoors in the rain in Baltimore the previous night.

Being from Waco, Texas with a hit song in 1963, I asked Frankie Lee if he ever played in Dallas for Jack Ruby, at either the Vegas or Carousel Clubs. He coughed, caught his composure and said, “Hell, I was booked to play for Jack Ruby the night they killed Kennedy, but the show was cancelled because of assassination.”

A little taken aback, I asked him if he was supposed to play the Vegas Club, which featured rock & roll bands, or the Carousel Club, which had the girls, strippers, stand up comics and burlesque type shows, but also had live music on occassion. He said it was the Carousel Club.

Now into it’s third song, I thought a band like this would play the Vegas Club, but figured I would check it out with Beverly Oliver, who knew many of the entertainers in Dallas at the time, when Frankie Lee said, “Stevie Ray Vaughan and his brother covered ‘Four Time Lover’ in 1976.”

That, I figured, turned the song onto a whole new generation, so he was a two-time, one-hit-wonder. I also quickly learned that Stevie Ray’s version of “Four Time Lover” also gave people the misimpression that Frankie Lee was a guitarist.

“Les Paul gave me a guitar one night before I went on,” said Lee, “and I asked him what I was going to do with that?”

“With a name like Frankie Lee, he thought I should be a guitarist,” he laughed, as I told him, “You know, Stevie Ray lived in the same Oak Cliff, Dallas neighborhood as Lee Harvey Oswald, who used the alias O.H. Lee, and was called ‘Mr. Lee’ by his neighbors.”

Then I asked him, “If you were in Dallas that day, where were you at the time of the assassination?”

“I was right there,” he said, “about as far away from the motorcade as we are from that door,” pointing to about 50 feet away. While he didn’t see Kennedy get hit, “I heard the shots,” he said.

How many? “Three – bam, bam, bam.”

Another confirmation of the official version of events, I thought, as I asked him where he was standing.

“I was right by that building – the School Book Depository, where they say the shots came from, but they didn’t come from there.”

Then where did they come from?

“I don’t know where they come from, but I know they didn’t come from that building because I was right there and heard them, and they came from somewhere else. At least two of them came from somewhere else.”

“The FBI, the Secret Service, the CIA, they all talked to me, and didn’t believe I was suppose to work for Ruby that night and was at the scene. They put some pressure on me, but I told them I don’t know nothing. I never even met Ruby or knew who he was.”

And then, just as I was about to ask him if he was the Frankie Lee of Dylan’s “Frankie Lee and Judas Priest” from the Dylan song, the band announced, “And now ladies and gentleman, here’s Frankie Leeeeee!….” and in a flash he as on stage, singing the blues, rhythm & blues and milking the audience like an energetic pro, sort of in the order of Otis Day and the Knights “Sham a Lam a Ding Dong,” or the Isley Bros “Shout.”

He sang, “Cry Me A River” and “Going Back to Mexico,” and eventually got the entire room up and clapping if not dancing.

When he was finished, I got his business numbers from him, and booked him for the Adolphis Hotel, Friday, late afternoon, November 23, 2001, for a gig, about 50 yards from the old Carousel Club, a raincheck for a gig that was canceled ‘cause of assassination.’

Arthur Young with model helicopter

December 21, 2009
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Arthur Young outside of his rural Philadelphia barn with one of his early helicopter models, which led to the development of the Bell Helicopter 47-A – glass bubble and girder – MASH helicoper, the first commercially licensed helicopter.

If Peter Dale Scott’s “negative template” thesis is correct, and those given the least amount of attention are the most significant, then Arthur Young is indeed an important character, as I can only find a few references to him in all of the JFK assassination literature.

And that is in Gerald Ford’s “Portrait of the Assassin” in which it is noted that the accused assin’s wife Marina wrote a letter to Ruth Hyde Paine agreeing to move to Texas with her, a letter addressed in care of Arthur Young/Paoli, Pennsylvania.

So who was Arthur Young of Paoli, Pennsylvania?

It took me years to find out, and a few more years before I finally met him and interviewed him on the record.

Arthur Young is the second husband of Ruth Forbes Paine Young, the mother of Michael Paine, the accused assassin’s primary patron and at whose home Oswald spent the night before the assassination.

As the inventor of the original Bell Helicopter, Arthur Young arranged for his son-in-law to work as a designer at the Bell Helicopter plant in Dallas, Texas, where Michael Paine was at the time of the assassination.

ARTHUR YOUNG – A Visit At Home With Arthur Young –
by William E. Kelly, Jr. /

The name Arthur Young may not mean anything to most people, yet for me, he was one of the most elusive and interesting unquestioned witnesses in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. That however, is a mere footnote to his incredible career that included the invention of the first commercial helicopter, the Bell 47A – MASH helicopter, which is still flying today.

I first came across his name in Gerald Ford’s book Portrait of the Assassin, which included documents, testimony and records not previously released by the Warren Commission because of Ford’s special access as a member of the Commission. It was a brief, and fleeting reference, but one that caught my attention, in quoting a letter Ruth Paine wrote to Oswald’s wife Marina, in which she requested Marina to write a return letter in care of “Art Young, Paoli, Pennsylvania.”

Ruth Paine had asked Marina, in New Orleans, to move in with her in Texas while she had her second child. If she would, Ruth would pick up Marina and the baby on the return leg of her cross country summer trek, which she eventually did.

I looked but didn’t find anything else on him, but didn’t give Art Young much though again until I began my quest, which lasted years.

Beginning in Paoli, a small town on the Main Line suburban train route from downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, it stood out in my mind as being very close to the offices of the CIA front Catherwood Foundation. By the time I caught up with him however, Arthur Young had left his Paoli farm, where he had invented his helicopter, and was living in a similar centuries old farmhouse near the Brandywine creek.

When I got his phone number and called, the person who answered gave me a California phone number where he could be reached at his West Coast Center for the Study of Consciousness. I called and when Young answered the phone I identified myself as a journalist and requested a formal interview. Young said he had no problem with granting an interview, but he doubted that I could find a publisher who would print what he had to say. I asked him about his published work, and he gave me the name and number of his publisher, who sent me two of his books, his personal narrative of his work on the Bell Helicopter, and one of his books on his philosophy of process. After reading them I would call him and visit him at his home near Philadelphia.

Following the directions precisely, I found myself driving up a winding dirt road and past a huge brick barn to the front of an old farmhouse that dated to colonial times. Another visitor was there, a women who was with Arthur Young’s wife, Ruth Forbes Paine Young, who JFK assassination researchers know as Michael Paine’s mother. It was while visiting her husband’s mother and step father when Ruth Paine had asked Marina Oswald to write to her – in care of Art Young.

While the two women chatted together in a veranda off the kitchen, Arthur Young took me into his living room-study, which was literally lined with books, on the wall, on tables, on the floor, everywhere. I felt at home, as he asked me to sit down while he sat back in a nearby chair. I asked him if I could tape our conversation, and he assented, so I put the cassette tape recorder on the table in front of us, and pretty much ignored it. He picked up a notepad and asked me my date and place of birth. He said he was into astrology and wanted to do my chart, which he did while we talked.

As I try to do in all such interviews, I too began at the beginning, asking him where and when he was born and who his parents were. Both were artists, he said, pointing to a painting on the wall which he attributed to his mother. He either was born in Paris or lived there as a child, while his parents studied art. In America they lived near Philadelphia, where he attended school before entering Princeton (circa 1920s). He studied physics and philosophy, and while he was there when Einstein was there, they only passed each other on campus and never talked. Young said he did take a course on relativity, taught by the physics department chairman, to him, the only student, and disagreed with some of Einstein’s principles – particularly, as I understood him, (or misunderstood him) – in regards to the concept of time. Apparently E=MC2 accepts time as a constant, while Young argued that time is a variable and subject to change.

Young said it was the death of a brother that led him to this concept, which he also applied to develop his philosophy of process, a revolutionary way of thinking that is still generating followers today.
[see: ]

From Princeton, in the 1920s, Young said that he knew he wanted to be an inventor and invent something new that would change society for the better, and went to Washington DC to review the lists of patents and patents pending, especially checking out high fidelity and stereophonic sound, fm radio, television, three dimensional film and vertical flight – all of which were envisioned, but had yet to be successfully developed. Of all the items on his list, Young said he thought vertical flight, the helicopter, would be the easiest, as it was only a matter of mastering the physics of flight.

Instead of working with full scale products however, Young decided to use models, and began experimenting with small, motor powered and tethered scale models, which could be tested without endangering a pilot. For years, which became decades, Young worked on his model helicopters in his colonial brick barn in suburban Philadelphia. Young wasn’t the only inventor working on the helicopter, and one of the radical concepts Young adapted from Sokorsky’s design was the rear rotation blade, which he perfected with a unique stabilizing bar that was the basis for his patent.

Once he got the rear blade and stabilizing bar in place, he was able to control and direct the maneuver of his model, which brought him up to 1939, when the world was on the verge of war. So he put his model helicopter into a little black box and took up to Bell Aircraft in upstate New York. There he made an appointment with Larry Bell, the owner of the factory that was busy making fighter aircraft that were sold to Russia. The secretary told him that Mr. Bell would only be able to see him for 15 minutes, Young walked out of the executive office and into the main factory and took his model out of the box, set it up and began flying it around the huge room, to the amazement of the factory workers and engineers on hand. When Larry Bell came out of his office to see what all the commotion was about, Young landed the model helicopter at Bell’s feet.

They went into the office, and in fifteen minutes Bell Helicopter was in business, though Young explained that it would take a few years to develop his scale model into a full sized flying machine. Actually it took more than a few years, and like Jacque Cousteu’s aqua lung, the Bell 47A didn’t become the first helicopter approved by the Federal Aviation Administration until the war was over.
[See: ]

Once the full scale model Bell helicopter finally got off the ground and was totally operational, Young said his job was over and he wanted to move on to other things. That’s when he began to take an interest in esoteric studies like ESP and astrology, what he called his “gee wiz” years.

Since his quest to invent a practical helicopter was over, his first wife thought he would settle down, but instead, he went on to study even more esoteric ideas, like Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), remote viewing and healing, yoga and mind over matter. While his wife failed to appreciate these new experiments, he met Ruth Forbes Paine, who was a bit of an excentric herself. Eventually Young divorced his first wife and married Ruth Forbes Paine.

In Philadelphia Young set up the Foundation for the Study of Consciousness (FSC), which he later folded because of institutional problems and funding sources, then establishing the Center for the Study of Consciousness (CSC) in California, which is still in existence [ See: CSC ] .

From what I gathered, he had funding sources that were giving him trouble, and he wanted to be independent, which made me think that the CIA or some federal agencies had bankrolled him in the beginning, but he didn’t like where they were going.

I asked him if he had ever experimented with psychedelic, mind-expanding drugs, and he said he tried peyote once, but he said he could achieve the same experience doing yoga.

As I discussed these new experiments with Young, he stopped and asked me a question. Having figured out my astrological chart while we were talking, he said that I am at the stage in my career where he was in the late 1940s, and getting the helicopter off the ground. I am on the verge of a great discovery, he said.

Then he asked me, “Are you an alien?”
Taken aback, I asked if he meant like an illegal Irish alien, without a green card?

And he said, no, was a I from the Pleadies?

“Where are the Pleadies?” I asked.

When he said some two hundred thousand light years away in the Tarus constalation, I said, no I wasn’t. I really was from across the river in Camden, New Jersey. I think he was disappointed I wasn’t.

He explained that my astrological chart indicated that I might have been from the Pleadies. And when I asked more questions, he said that there were already a number of different alien – meaning people from other planets, galaxies, among us, including the Pleadieans, who resemble humans in form and mingle among us to study us. Then there are the “Grays,” who have the big eyes and look like ET and the Roswell crash victims. The Grays and the Pleadians don’t like each other and are often at war, he explained, which puts us in the middle of their intergallatic battle.

When I asked if there was any documentation for all this he went into the other room, which was also lined with books from floor to ceiling, and knew right were a particular book was and took it off the shelf. I wrote down the name of the book and it’s author, a retired Air Force officer, whose book was self published in New Mexico.

The book was about a German alps farmer whose land is used by the Pleadeans as a staging area to come and go in their flying saucers. There’s pictures of the German, the farm, flying saucers in the air, and one of the Pleadians, a knockout blonde, who Art Young said, allowed her picture to be taken because her research project on earth was complete and she was heading home. The flying saucers take them to a “Beam Ship,” which is parked at the edge of the solar system so as not to affect the pull of the planets or for some scientific reason. The Beam Ship then delivers them back to the Pleadies, a group of some seven planets that are visible to astronomers, but very far away.

[Later that night, driving home across the Somers Point – Ocean City causeway over the bay, I saw a double – two parallel shooting stars streak across the sky, far out to sea, and knew that it was a special night. The next day I called information in New Mexico and got the phone number of the retired AF officer who wrote the UFO book. He answered the phone, and when I asked where I could buy his book, he said I couldn’t. It was out of print and he wasn’t printing anymore. When he asked where I saw a copy, he opened up a bit when I said Arthur Young. He was pals with Art Young. I asked him where he was stationed in the Air Force, and he said for the most part, at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. I told him I went to the University of Dayton. I asked him if he was part of Project Blue Book, and he said yes. And when I asked who his commander was, he said, Gen. Charles Cabal, the brother of the Mayor of Dallas, Texas.]

While I was talking to Young, we were interrupted by his wife, Mrs. Ruth Forbes Paine Young, who seemed like a nice, little old lady. Arthur Young had explained earlier that she was in the beginning stages of altimizers, but was still okay, though a bit slow. She sat down with us for awhile, and while I wanted her to talk about her good friend Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles’ WWII OSS mistress, instead I asked her about her work with the World Federalists.

Founded by Cord Meyer, Jr., a USMC veteran who later became a top deputy to Alan Dulles at the CIA, the World Federalists were an early attempt to support the United Nations and work towards the establishment of a world government. In its fledgling years, Ruth Forbes Paine Young held a number of charity balls to raise money for the organization, and helped it get established. Other World Federalists of note are Priscilla Johnson McMillan, Lee Harvey Oswald’s biographer, and Walter Cronkite, an official spokesman.

Arthur Young said that one of his wife’s most significant achievements was the establishment of the International Peace Academy (IPA) at the United Nations, which she did with the assistance of Gen. Rickie, of the Indian Army. The IPA gets young, up and coming UN officials to play role games in which they try to resolve conflicts without going to war. There’s a photo of Rikhye and Ruth F.P. Young together on their web site
[ See: ]

In turn, Mrs. Young said that her husband was most proud of the humanatarian uses of the helicopter, in fighting forest fires and in Korea, in the MASH evacuations, but didn’t like the idea of it being converted into an attack weapon, as it was used in Vietnam.

Arthur Young said he was also proud of the fact that the Bell 47A model, with the glass bubble and girders, was on display as a work of art at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, a fact that his artist parents would have thought amusing.

While Young was secure from his Bell Helicopter holdings, Ruth Forbes was also well established from her side of the family.

Ruth Forbes Paine Young had been married twice before. One husband had passed away, while the other Lyman Paine, was a radical co-founder of the Trotskyite movement in the United States. The Forbes however, were well healed capitalists, and her relatives were old blue bloods, one was on the board of United Fruit Company during the CIA coup in Guatemala in 1954. The Forbes own an island off the coast of Massachusetts, near Woods Hole, where the family has annual retreats, and allows yachtsmen like Walter Cronkite to drop anchor while sailing around.

Ruth Forbes Paine’s son Michael would become the more famous of them all as the chief benefactor to Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy.

Michael attended Harvard, but dropped out and enrolled at Swarthmore College near Philadelphia, a Quaker school located near the Young farmstead. While in Philadelphia Michael Paine met Ruth Hyde, an Ohio Quaker teaching at a Friends School. Michael Paine and Ruth Hyde were mentors of Arthur and Ruth F.P.Young, and lived with them for awhile, said to have stayed in the barn where Art invented his helicopter.

Eventually Michael took a job with Bell Helicopter, as an “inventor” and designer, and with Ruth, moved to Texas to work at the Bell Helicopter plant there.

It was while living in Irving, a suburb of Dallas-Fort Worth, where it was arranged, through a mutual friend, George DeMohrenschildt, for Michael Paine to meet Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald, who had recently returned from Soviet Russia with a Russian wife and child, liked to talk about idealogy, Communism and different forms of political societies. DeMohrenschildt thought that Oswald should meet Michael Paine, and through a friend in the oil business, Volkmar Schmidt, arranged for them to meet at a party in February, 1963. The party was held at Schmidt’s house, which he share with two other men, one whose father was a director of Radio Free Europe, and the other, like Schmidt, worked for Magnolia Oil. The odd thing about this party was that neither Schmidt nor Michael Paine showed up.

Oswald and his wife Marina met Ruth Paine however, and Ruth, who was studying Russian at the time, enjoyed talking in Russian with Marina, and they became fast friends. Later on, another party was held for Oswald to meet Michael Paine, and they finally met. One day, when Michael Paine picked Oswald up at his apartment in Oak Cliff to drive him to his home in Irving, Michael Paine saw the photo of Oswald brandishing a rifle, pistol and copies of Communist publications, one of which was the official publication of the Trotskyite Party in the Untied States. I’ve always wondered how Oswald could have talked about those things without Michael Paine telling Oswald that his father was a co-founder of the Trotskyite Party.

Ruth Paine took Russian language lessons from Marina and gave driving lessons to Oswald, while Michael Paine explained to Oswald how cheap it would be to buy a car.

Shortly after Oswald is alleged to have taken a pot shot at Gen. Walker in Dallas on April 10, 1963, it was decided that the Oswalds would relocate to New Orleans, Oswald’s hometown. Ruth drove Oswald to the bus station and took Marina and the daughter home with her to Irving until Oswald got settled with a job and apartment in New Orleans. When that happened, Ruth drove Marina there in early May, where they lived for the summer.

It was during the summer of 1963 when Ruth Paine and her two children drove their Chevy station wagon on a roundabout vacation to the Forbes family island off Massachusetts, then to the Young’s home in Paoli, Pa., near Philly, and then to Ohio to see her family. It was then Ruth H. Paine wrote to the expecting Marina at her Magazine street apartment in New Orleans, asking her if she wanted to move to Irving, Texas with her while she had her baby. If so, Ruth said she would drive through New Orleans on the return trip and pick her up, and for Marina to respond by writing to her : c/o Arthur Young, Paoli, Pennsylvania.

And that’s what happened, and that’s the only reference I can find to Art Young in the official JFK assassination records, which sparked my interest in the man.

So Ruth Paine picked up Marina and the baby, and ostensibly the alleged assassination rifle, and delivered them to her home in Irving, Texas, while Oswald took off for Mexico City, where he tried to get a visa to Cuba. When he failed, he returned to Dallas, stayed at the YMCA for a few days, and then visited his family and the Paines in Irving. Since Michael Paine was separated from his wife, and had his own apartment, Oswald occasionally stayed overnight at the Paine home. On another night, he went with Michael Paine to a American Civil Liberties Union meeting.

On the evening before the assassination, Oswald stayed overnight at the Paine home, and ostensibly took his rifle from the Paine garage and used it to kill the President. At the same time the president was being shot, Michael Paine was sitting in the Bell Helicopter cafeteria having lunch with a co-worker, discussing the subject of political assassination. It was a moment of ESP that only Arthur Young could appreciate.

Before I had left Young he took me on a short tour of his barn, where there was a model helicopter. Young said he was looking to be a mentor to some young students who wanted to take up the idea of using models to advance aviation design, but few were interested. There was a black and white photo of Young as a young man working with a model, which he gave me. He warned however, that his ideas are so radical that he didn’t think I would be able to convince a mainstream editor from publishing a story about him.

In that regard, so far he has been right.

When I left him however, he had invited me back, and I thought I would be able to continue the interview on another day. But as Young said, Time intervenes, and you never know what surprises time brings.

Bill Kelly
Browns Mills, N.J.
February 16, 2004

JFK – The Documented Screenplay (Applause Books, 1992, p. 111-112)

“X (Voice-over)….don’t underestimate the budget cuts Kennedy called for in March of ’63 either – close to 52 military installations in 25 states, 21 overseas bases, you’re talking big money. You know how many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam? About three thousand so far. Who makes them? Bell helicopter. Who owns Bell? Bell was near bankruptcy when the First National Bank of Boston approached the CIA about developing a the helicopter for Indochina usage. How ‘bout the F-111 fighters? General Dynamics in Fort Worth. Who owns that? Find out the defense budget since the war began. $75 going on a hundred billion….$200 billion’ll be spent there before it ends. In 1950 it was $13 billion. No war, no money. Sometimes I think the organizing principle resides in its war powers. Even Eisenhower – military hero of WWII – warned us about it: ‘beware the military-industrial complex,’ he said. Kennedy wanted to end the cold war in his second term. He wanted to call off the moon race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets. He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing, he refused to invade Cuba in ’62, and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam. But that all ended on November 22, 1963.”

Footnote: – Bell Helicopter: In the early 1960’s, 1st National Bank of Boston had the Textron company as a major client. The bank advised Textron to take over a near-bankrupt company, recommending Bell because the helicopter market was bound to benefit from the developments in Southeast Asia [ Prouty, ‘Visions of a Kennedy Dynasty,’ Freedom, April-May, 1987]

What’ the Point?

December 20, 2009
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What’s the point again?

JFK in Fort Worth a few hours before he was to die.

Whose the man in the background beside John Connally and LBJ? Worth Square Request For Proposals.pdf

On the drizzly morning of November 22, President Kennedy, unexpected and unannounced, stepped outside to greet a crowd of thousands that had gathered outside the hotel in the rain for the mere chance of seeing him. Over Secret Service objections, the President gave a short speech to the drenched but appreciative crowd.

While others wore trench coats and hats to shield them from the weather, President Kennedy did not bother. Instead, he spoke to the crowd in a suit and tie. Those in the crowd close to the President clamored to reach his hands. It is estimated that 8,000 people gathered to hear his brief and unexpected speech. Little did this diverse crowd of Fort Worthians know that their hopes and dreams of a new America would be dashed hours later at Dealy Plaza.

After he delivered his unscheduled outdoor speech, he returned to the hotel for the formal Chamber of Commerce breakfast appearance. He and Jacqueline retired to their room to prepare for his Dallas visit. As the motorcade departed from the Texas Hotel, no one realized anything other than the pleasure of his visit. As the thousands of admirers departed, they would return to their work and homes only to later realize the true significance of the President’s Fort Worth stay.

JFK and Mary P. Meyer

December 20, 2009
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Milford, Pennsylvania, September 24, 1963, President John F. Kennedy visits the family home of Mary Pinchot Meyer, where Grey Towers was donated to the U.S. Forest Service.

While at Milford, Kennedy met the staid, conservative, Republican mother of Mary Pinchot Meyer, whose political family went back generations and included a governor. Mary is seen here in the stripe dress. There are other pictues in this series, including one of them getting out of the helicopter.

David Talbot, in his book Brothers, described Mary P. Meyer as:

“…A free spirited blonde in her early forties, she was the product of the eccentric, blue-blooded Pinchot family. After divorcing the brainy, intense CIA propaganda master Cord Meyer, she had refashioned herself as a Georgetown bohemian, setting herself us pas a painter in a studio behind the Bradlee’s N Street house.”

“…They had met when they were both in prep school – the charming scrawny Choate senior had cut in on her while she was dancing with her date, William Atwood (who would later serve Kennedy on an important diplomatic mission), at a school dance in 1935. They met again in San Francisco after the war, when she accompanied her new husband to the United Nations founding conference, which Kennedy was covering for the Hearst papers. The two men took an instant dislike to each other, a mutual hostility that never faded away, even when the Meyers moved next door to Hickory Hill, which was first owned by Jack and his new bride before they sold it to Bobby and Ethel.”

Cord Meyer had served in the US Marines and was wounded at Guam, his twin brother would die at Okinawa, and after the war he would form the American Veterans Committee, a liberal rival to the American Legion, and found the United World Federalists, which worked towards a world government.

Michael Paine’s mother – Ruth Forbes Paine Young, Moscow reporter Priscilla Johnson and Walter Cronkite were also World Federalists.

The clock started clicking on this day, September 24, 1963, when things were set into motion that would lead to what happened at Dealey Plaza. From Milford, the President would fly to Wisconsin, the first part of his Conservation Tour, from where they would announce the President’s trip to Texas in November, and Lee Harvey Oswald would leave New Orleans for Mexico City.

It was also the day that the CIA gave the “Valkyrie” briefing on Cuban covert actions to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, temporarily under the chairmanship of Air Force General Curtis LeMay ( While Taylor was in Vietnam).

LeMay would assign General Krulak to provide the CIA maritime raiders with whatever they needed.

All the forces that would lead to the President’s assassination were put into motion on this day – September 24, 1963.

"Maurice Bishop" & David Atlee Phillips

December 20, 2009
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The man on the left is the sketch of “Maurice Bishop,” the name of the shadowy covert action case officer who ran one of the leaders of Alpha 66.

David Atlee Phillips was a CIA covert action officer involved in Cuban operations.

Careers In Secret Operations – How to be a Federal Intelligence Officer. By David Atlee Phillips. (University Publications of America, Inc.; 44 North Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701).


In the mid 1970s the U.S. intelligence community – the several agencies and departments that work with classified information and, in most cases, conduct secret operations – was subjected to a barrage of criticism, innuendo, and sensational media exposure. Intelligence officers found their previously romantic image tarnished. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents were described by some and perceived by many as uncontrolled zealots, impervious to good judgment and engaged in every kind of trickery.

The new perception concerning those involved in espionage, counter intelligence, and “dirty tricks” was understandable, perhaps inevitable in a post-Vietnam, post-Watergate America. It was healthy that questionable actions by an agency or its personnel that may have threatened the basic values of our country, especially the rights of American citizens, were the subject of intensive scrutiny by the Congress and the public. At times the heat of the investigations, however, was so searing that I feared the U.S. intelligence establishment, certainly already damaged, might have been crippled.

The debate over this country’s clandestine operations reached its climax in 1975 in a high tide of confusion with the wreckage strewn over the Washington, D.C., landscape and on many foreign shores as well.

Any secret organization in a democratic society is a potential threat, but one, I am convinced, we must tolerate and control for the net gain. In May of 1975 I retired early from the CIA after twenty-five years as an intelligence officer, so I might be free to speak up for the “Silent Services” in the controversy over our nation’s secret operations. One of my principal concerns was that young people contemplating a career in government might hesitate to be associated with the CIA, FBI, or the other intelligence services. I feared the effectiveness of the intelligence community would decline precipitously (and dangerously) without the infusion of new blood from young applicants fresh out of American colleges and universities. Replenishment of ideas and outlooks is vital to any organization, and especially so in the case of government bureaucracies. My fears, however were ill-founded.

The development that precipitated the congressional investigations and the public brouhaha about the CIA was a front-page expose by journalist Seymour Hersh in the New York Times of December 22, 1974. The accuracy of the Hersh story and the characterization of CIA involvement in domestic operations as “massive” was subsequently the subject of considerable, and sometimes acrimonious, debate. One thing is certain. The Hersh revelations produced massive cracks in what had been up to that time a fairy monolithic intelligence establishment. The question for the future was simple: Would qualified young people choose to become intelligence officers in the face of such a conglomeration of truths, half-truths, and plain untruths?

Immediately after the Hersh story was published the number of applications for CIA employment tripled.

Why? A tight job market, perhaps? A more plausible explanation, I decided, was to be derived from the refrain, “I don’t care what you write about me as long as you spell my name correctly.” Apparently, increasing numbers of young people sought an opportunity to work in the challenging business of intelligence simply because they had learned something about it for the first time; thus, today, only those who survive intense competition obtain employment in government intelligence services…..

An early American agent, Nathan Hale, described intelligence as a “peculiar service.” (Most definitions of peculiar in the dictionary mean funny, odd, strange. Hale was employing a British definition: “A particular parish or church exempted from the jurisdiction of the ordinary or bishop in whose diocese it lies and is governed by another.”) Hale was a spy and was “hanged immediately” when his mission on Manhattan Island was uncovered in 1776.

Since Hale’s days, young Americans have looked for a future of excitement and daring in intelligence careers. I give early warning: James Bond is fictional. Intelligence work often involves the accumulation and assembling of bits and pieces of information into a meaningful mosaic- a tedious business at times. One intelligence veteran once remarked that the truth would be better serviced if the cloak-and-dagger symbol for espionage were changed to that of a typewriter and some three-by-five cards.

But it is also true that on occasion American intelligence agents must act-and react-like James Bond at the barricades. Those who seek foreign adventure will want to work in the Directorate of Operations of the CIA, also known as the Clandestine Service. Or they can find action in one of the several military departments that engage in secret operations and undercover work….In any of these areas, intelligence officers and their agents must live double lives and face danger. It can be a tough way to make a living.

For the less adventuresome, satisfying careers await in the overt side of the intelligence profession. The majority of American intelligence officers and employees do not engage in covert or clandestine activities: they are scholars, analysts, administrators, investigators, communicators, and housekeeping personnel. Unlike their covert colleagues, they identify themselves to friends, neighbors, and credit unions as being associated with intelligence. They enjoy a more normal life-style which is not as demanding of spouses and children as that of the clandestine operative.

In whatever sphere, intelligence is a rewarding career for anyone dedicated to public service, and the personal satisfaction can be substantial. This book will attempt to answer questions of those who contemplate an intelligence career and, for those who have decided to seek such an opportunity, to tell them how to go about entering the profession.

I. Questions and Answers about Intelligence

Q: I’ve been into drugs. Will I be hired?
A: It depends on the narcotic used, the frequency of use, and how recently you were into it. Experimental or on-and-off marijuana history will not faze interviewers.

Q: I’m gay. Does it matter?
A: Yes. U.S. intelligence agencies and departments do not now hire know homosexuals….

Q: Must American deep-cover agents abroad pay U.S. income taxes? If so, how do they do it without blowing their cover?
A: All Americans working for U.S. intelligence, whatever they are, must pay income tax. This sometimes requires the preparation of a special return that goes to a cleared unit of the IRS.

Q: I understand there are CIA officers in most American cities. How do I locate them?
A: You can find domestic CIA offices in the phone book.

Q: As a women, can I asked to use sex in intelligence work?
A: No. When cultivating a prospective agent, you will use a reasonable amount of charm in the process, as a man will. But I know of no case where an American women intelligence officer was asked to sleep with a potential agent, or where a female officer allowed herself to lose the authority and control essential to managing an agent by sharing his bed.

Q: Is it true that undercover agents and their families must lead double lives?
A: It goes with the territory. Concealing the truth is a necessary part of getting the job done overseas. And, to sustain cover, a life of duplicity must continue during tours in U.S. headquarters. An undercover agent must lie to his neighbors, his banker, and to most relatives. It’s not pleasant, but it is essential.

Q: How much do intelligence officers tell their spouses?
A: They keep their spouses briefed on what they are doing without going into detail. Even teen-age children, depending on the circumstances and maturity of the child, are told that their father or mother is an intelligence officer.

Q. How many “moles” are there in the CIA?
A: We would not know, of course, of a truly successful mole….

Q: Why hasn’t the CIA assassinated Philip Agee?
A: Two past CIA plots to kill men other than Agee misfired, so the agency seems to be clumsy when trying to assassinate….Certainly Agee would not be a target. Should a truck run over him tomorrow, the CIA will undoubtedly be blamed for the accident.

Q: Are James Bond adventure books accurate?
A: No.

Q: Do undercover families have higher divorce, alcoholism and suicide rates?
A: Divorce and alcoholism statistics are slightly higher than the national average. Suicides are less than the normal figure.

Q: Who watches the CIA?
A: Until recently, eight committees in Congress handled the job. That didn’t work because you can’t conduct secret operations in Bloomingdale’s window. Now the CIA reports to one committee in the Senate and a second one in the House of Representatives….

Q: Do CIA people really call the agency “the Company”?
A: Yes. And some call it “the Pickle Factory.”

XV The Intelligence Agent’s Language

Spies and counterspies have developed their own jargon, and uninitiated eavesdroppers would be baffled when listening to the dialog between intelligence operatives. ….The following narrative is about an imaginary CIA case officer, Jim Sears.

In his overseas operations, Jim Sears prepares to conduct his business by putting in the plumbing. The plumbing is the support structure that must be installed so that Jim’s intelligence activity can be carried out, usually by the establishment of a cover facility, emergency contact arrangements with agents, and secure ways to communicate with them.

In addition to his own cover – the installation or activity that explains Jim’s presence in a country abroad – he will need a safe house where he can meet his agents. This will be an office or apartment procured in such a manner that it cannot be linked to Jim or to the other agents who meet there clandestinely. He will also obtain one or more drops (e.g. a hole in an old tree, the tank of a public commode, a hollowed out brick) where he can deposit and retrieve communication from agents without actually meeting them. Jim Sears’ agents travel abroad, they may communicate with him by way of an accommodations address, a mail address, usually a post office box. Messages cached in a drop or sent to an accommodation address are usually in secret writing (SW), that is, written with an invisible substance, ranging from lemon juice to sophisticated chemicals that appear under certain conditions. If the agent is in another country where strict security conditions prevail, he may send his messages to Jim by radio. For maximum safety the agent will use a burst transmission – a preset message transmitted so quickly on an agent radio that it thwarts hostile direction finding surveillance.

As a case officer, Jim Sears is a manager of spies. Some of his agents are volunteers, walk-ins, usually foreigners who enter an embassy to offer their services. Others Jim must recruit with a pitch, the act of persuading a person to be an agent. If the subject is approached without prior cultivation, it is known as a cold pitch. A false flag recruitment involves a deliberate misrepresentation of one’s actual employer to achieve the recruitment. An English speaking KGB officer who pretends to be British, for instance, and approaches an agent-candidate would be attempting a false flag recruitment.

Jim Sears will be alert for someone who can serve as a principal agent, one who recruits and manages a network of subagents. He will also be on the lookout for one or more agents of influence, local personalities who can influence political developments or can manipulate an opinion maker. Jim will also attempt to recruit other agents for specialized tasks. One, for instance, might be a dangle, someone intentionally brought to the attention of a hostile intelligence service, as a device to learn more about the enemy. He may need an agent capable of installing a bug, a surreptitiously placed radio transmitter, in the headquarters of a local terrorists group. That would require a listening post, a secure area from which transmissions from the bug can be monitored.

In all his dealings with his agents, Jim Sears will adhere to strict tradecraft, the professional conduct that will prevent a flap, the publicity or controversy that ensues in the wake of a botched intelligence operation. He will be alert for a danger signal, an indicator that a clandestine meeting should be aborted, such as a chalk mark on a wall. Jim will be sure his agents carry the proper pocket litter, the misleading documents and materials an agent has to protect his identity and background should he be apprehended. He will frequently flutter or box his agents – conduct lie detector examinations. This is one of several precautions Jim will take to be sure his man or women has not become a double agent who is pretending loyalty to Jim while actually in the pay of another….Jim Sears will also be alert to the possibility his agent has become a fabricator who provides false information. If this is done consistently and in volume, the agents duplicity is known as a paper mill.

Jim Sears or one of his colleagues may sometimes be involved in black propaganda, an activity that claims to originate, falsely, with a real or imagined source. An example would be a clandestine radio broadcast supposedly made by jungle-based rebels. If no attribution is provided, such propaganda is described as gray.

Less interesting, but absolutely essential to intelligence work, is surveillance. Jim will spend much of his time overseas supervising the systematic observation or monitoring of places, persons, or things by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means.

All of Jim Sears’s activities are undertaken so that he can produce intelligence. HUMIT, information from a person (i.e., human intelligence), is a major category of the product Jim sends back to CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia…..

Good tradecraft demands that Jim dedicate himself to good counter-intelligence- an intelligence service’s activities to protect itself from attempts to weaken it or from hostile penetrations…Jim Sears uses the above words and terms (and dozens more) during his day on the intelligence beat.

Man on the Grassy Knoll

December 20, 2009

This is a sketch of the Man on the Grassy Knoll by Houston PD Lois Gibson as described by witnesses Malcolm Summers.

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Malcolm Summers ran to the knoll moments after the shooting. He related the following in the 1988 documentary Who Murdered JFK?:

“I ran across the–Elm Street to right there toward the knoll. It was there [pointing to a spot on the knoll]–and we were stopped by a man in a suit and he had an overcoat–over his arm and he, he, I saw a gun under that overcoat. And he–his comment was, “Don’t you all come up here any further, you could get shot, or killed,” one of those words. A few months later, they told me they didn’t have an FBI man in that area. If they didn’t have anybody, it’s a good question who it was. ” (Anderson 14)

Michael T. Griffith, 1996

JFK Assassination Witness Summers Dies at 80
Mon Oct 18, 2004
DALLAS (Reuters) – Malcolm Summers, one of the closest eyewitnesses to
the John F. Kennedy assassination, has died of a heart ailment at age
of 80, a funeral home said on Monday.

Summers heard Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally scream
from the presidential limousine as it rolled through Dealey Plaza in
Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

Summers, who was just a few yards from the incident, can be seen on the
famous movie of JFK assassination shot by amateur photographer Abraham
Zapruder as the man diving to the ground as the shots rang out.

“I heard Connally say, ‘They’re going to kill us all!” or ‘shoot us
all!’ I’m not sure which one on that deal. And then, I heard Jackie
Kennedy scream out, ‘Oh, God! No, no, no!’ And it was a shrill. It was
very sad to hear that when you think back,” Summers said in an oral
history recorded by the Sixth Floor Museum — a Dallas museum dedicated
to the JFK assassination.

Summers told police in a deposition at the time of the assassination he
thought someone had set off a firecracker and hit the ground when he
realized shots were being fired.

Conspiracy theorists, who do not believe accused presidential assassin
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, have cited Summers as saying he saw
suspicious characters in the Dealey Plaza area.

Summers was born in Dallas and died on Oct. 8.

Chicago Mobster Charles Nicoletti

December 20, 2009
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